The Buyer’s Gear Guide – Delay and echo

Delay, or echo, is perhaps the most important effect in David Gilmour’s arsenal. It’s the essence of both his and Pink Floyd’s unique and ethereal sound. In this guide we’ll look at a handful of delay and echo units, with David Gilmour’s tones in mind.

Updated March 2023

Echo has been employed by studio technicians and guitarists since the early 1950s. From experimenting with reverb and tape recorders, to the echo machines of the 60s and 70s and the digital era of the 80s and 90s, delay has always been an important ingredient in modern music.

David Gilmour and delay

David Gilmour joined Pink Floyd in early 1968 and he would use much of the same gear as Syd Barrett, even borrowing some of Syd’s, which created the foundation for his own sound later on.

The Binson Echorec machine was an important part of David’s guitar sound, Rick’s Farfisa and organs and Roger’s bass. In fact, by the early 1970s, Pink Floyd used echo on pretty much everything, including vocals and drums.

The Binson remained David’s main echo unit up until 1977 and Animals, when he replaced old technology with the more precise and reliable digital MXR rack unit.

Throughout the 80s and 90s and to present, David has used several digital units and pedals to create both pristine digital sounds and for replicating his old Binson echo sounds.

See the David Gilmour gear guide for a detailed setup for each album and tour.

Echo, digital delay or reverb?

What type of delay you should choose obviously depends on taste but for David Gilmour’s tones I recommend either analog delay or an echo unit for 1968-75 to replicate the Binson echo sounds and a digital delay from 1977 to present to be able to replicate the accurate delay patterns of songs like Another Brick in the Wall (part 1), Run Like Hell, Coming Back to Life etc.

Modern digital multi units will provide everything you need, including analog delay, tape simulation and pristine digital delay, while single specialised units will in many cases produce an even more accurate sound.

David Gilmour never use reverb on stage. He’s using delay and often several units to create different textures. Reverb is always used in one form or another on a studio recording to create room and space.

Delay on the pedalboard

Delay is typically placed last in the chain between modulation effects and the amp. A good tip is also to place delays after the volume pedal to allow the delay to sustain when you lower the volume.

A clean amp has enough headroom to handle any effect, including delay, into the front end. Delay into an overdriven amp often sounds muddy and overwhelming but it’s a cool effect in its own right. Alternatively, modulation and delays can be placed in the amp’s effect loop to retain the headroom.

I have played and tested each pedal in this guide, with guitars and amps that are typically associated with David Gilmour.

Digital delay

The term digital delay is often used to describe the modern sounding, pristine and accurate delay. However, digital multi delay processors are also capable of producing convincing analog and tape simulation.

Boss DD
The Boss DD series are hard to beat. Whether you want a single pedal or one of the multi processors capable of replicating just about any delay or echo tone possible.

The DD-2 is one of my all time favourite delay pedals. Now discontinued, this classic produce warm, almost analog sounding digital delay that blends nicely with all of your tones. The later DD range, offer a wider range of features and sounds but tend to sound a bit brighter and perhaps a bit sterile. Still, well worth checking out.

The DD-200 is one of the latest offerings from Boss that easily stands up to most multi processors out there. This pedalboard friendly unit provides pretty much every type of delay and echo you need, packed with features, tap, storing and a handy display. And, it sounds awesome!

TC Electronic Flashback
TC Electronic’s Flashback series offer a wide range of delay pedals, tailored for different use and needs. The basis is the legendary studio quality 2290 digital delay, with a wide range of different delay, echo and tape simulations.
All Flashback pedals also feature TonePrint. An app that allows you to design your own delay sounds and time signatures and beam them into the pedal using your mobile phone.

Echo and tape

Nothing sounds quite like an old tape machine but they’re both expensive and they require a lot of maintenance. Modern analog and digital units offer stunning accuracy towards tone and original features.

Dawner Prince Boonar
The Boonar is an impressive take on the Binson Echorec 2, packed with all the original features, including multiple head combinations, a beautiful modulation for wear and flutter and a powerful pre-amp boost. Like the Binson, with its unique drum operation, the Boonar is a fairly bright but it has that ethereal reverb-like sound. Especially when you experiment with different head combinations. Possibly the best Binson clone on the market! See my review of the Dawner Prince Boonar here.

Gilmour tones: ASoS – WYWH

Foxgear T7E Baby
Foxier and Gurus has done several different versions of their take on the Binson. This one is based on the lesser known Echorec Baby that Syd Barrett used. It has most of the same features as the bigger Echorec 2, allowing you to nail both the single head echo and the multiple head intro on Time. Soundwise, the T7E Baby is slightly on the darker side somewhere between the Boonar and Memory Man. See my review of the Foxgear T7E Baby here.

Gilmour tones: ASoS – WYWH

Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
The Memory Man is timeless and the standard for all analog delays. It still is. Whether you want to track down the big box or check out some of the new reissues and different versions, the Memory Man produce warm and silky smooth analog delay that works perfectly as an alternative to David Gilmour’s Binson echo sounds of the late 60s and 70s. The latest Nano also offer true bypass.

Gilmour tones: ASoS – WYWH

Strymon El Capistan
Like all Strymon pedals, the El Capistan is loaded with features and impressive tones. This is the Rolls Royce of analog simulation and the pedal deliver everything from pristine studio quality to unique worn out tape warble, with all the noise, dark decay and flutter of the old machines. Although aimed towards old tape machines, the El Capistan is a great alternative to the ethereal sounds of the Binson Echorec and David Gilmour’s late 60s and 70s tones.

Gilmour tones: ASoS – WYWH

Did I miss something? Please use the comments field below and share your tips and recommendations!

757 thoughts on “The Buyer’s Gear Guide – Delay and echo”

  1. hi bjorn
    I recently purchased a Dawner Prince Boonar and I must say that it is really a very nice pedal and faithfully recreates the sound of the Binson EchoRec. Thanks for your review.
    I’m trying to try playing songs like another brick in the Wall pt1 and keep talking but I still can’t find a sound that satisfies me. Do you have an idea of ??how to set the pedal to recreate these sounds?
    Thank you

    1. I cant’ remember the ms settings for Keep Talking but Wall 1 is 440ms. You can either tap along with track or set up a delay in a DAW and match that with your pedal.

  2. Hello Mr BJORN, love your content it really help out a lot. What are your thoughts on the Catalinbread ECHOREC? What are some setting that you would recommend.

  3. Hi Bjorn, I am sorry if the question has been asked previously, I read a lot of comments but not found anything about the Strymon Volante. It can replicate nicely the sound of a drum old delay machine like the Binson Echorec and has a tape and studio option on it. If you already tried this one, what are your thoughts ?
    Friendly yours
    (and thanks a lot for your marvelous website !)

    1. I haven’t tried it so I can’t really tell. I’ve done reviews on the Dawner Prince Boonar and Boonar Tube Deluxe, which both captures the Binson tone and features.

  4. Francisco Pérez

    Hi Bjørn, Have you ever tried the MXR Echoplex?, i was thinkig in buying that one, because the price in my country, but i would like to know if it’s a good option for my DSOTM tribute pedalboard

  5. Hi Bjorn,
    I recently bought a Boonar, I wanted to ask you since I also use a Boss me50 multi-effect pedal, if I should insert it before or after the Boss me50. For now I positioned it at the end before the amplifier but I don’t know if it’s correct

    Thanks a lot

    1. That would be correct. It might sound less pristine if you’re using reverb from the ME50 but I would try to not use reverb and relie on delays instead.

  6. Hi all! My main delay is TC Electronic Nova iB Modified. I want additional delay to place before Nova to make slapback delay on “Time” intro. I want this to be VERY budget choice. Maybe some Mooer will be good?

    1. Between the Mooer delays I’ve tried, I wouldn’t recommend any of them. They suck a lot of tone and the delay effect it self sound thin and harsh. That’s my experience anyway. I’d try the TC Flashback mini and create a tone print or something like the EHX Slap Back. You could also just set the Nova up for a single repeat, I think it’s 550ms for Time.

      1. I was thinking about TC Flashback Mini but new one costs twice as much as Mooers. But because your suggestion I tried to search for used ones and have found one in perfect condition for a little more than new Mooer. So, thank you, as always, for inspiration!!! And during my search I’ve also found a Demeter Compulator in very good price :-)

  7. Hi Bjorn,

    in your opinion, boonar or t rex is better to have a good echo. I see David also uses the T Rex as an echo if I’m not mistaken

    Thank you

    1. The Boonar is based on the Echorec, while the TRex is based on the Memory Man. Two different sounding delays. Depends on what you’re looking for.

      1. Hi Bjorn, I’m looking for a good echo, I think the memory man is more of a delay than a right echo, so the choice would be for the Boonar, please tell me what you think.
        Thank you

        1. In terms of classic echp, you should probably look into pedals that replicates the Binson, Echoplex and Space Echo. The Boonar is IMO by far the most accurate replication of the Binson.

  8. Hi Bjorn ! Your website is a wealth of informations. Thank you for that ! I am hesitating between buying a Dawner Prince Boonar, or the Ti:me from Crazy Tube Circuits, which is cheaper. I am playing songs from Meddle to The Wall. In your opinion, is the difference between the two effects such that you should buy the more expensive one ? Thank you

    1. For Gilmour’s tones I would definitely go for the Boonar. It’s an incredibly close recreation of the Binson Echorec David used in the 70s. The Time is a great sounding delay on its own but more aimed at darker sounding analog echo.

          1. Thanks. So far, loving it. The team at Boonar told me they’re a very short time away from releasing news about the new one.
            “Hello! Yes, we are ready for preorder launching and news will be sent to our newsletter members first. It is very elaborate Binson Echorec 2 T7E model emulator, tube driven, digital control, MIDI, presets, studio grade transformer isolated DI out, tap tempo, oled screen etc”

  9. Hi Bjorn,

    I hope I am on the right page to post this question.

    I love your site! It has been invaluable to me as I’ve gotten into recording music at home, and I just finished recording a couple songs that came out okay-ish. I record guitar>pedals>amp>mic>volt 2>Logic (or sometimes DI). How would you go about recording modulation/delay as the volt 2 doesn’t allow me to use my pedals as outboard effects? I wanna use my Catalinbread Echorec but don’t know if it’s best to commit to a delay sound and record it, or if I should cave and buy an Echorec plugin for extra flexibility (same for other modulation pedals).

    (Also, do you know if outboard effects were an option in the 70s like during the recording of Darkside, or would Gilmour have just had to commit to using the Echorec on a solo and then there’s no going back?)

    Thank you so much!

    1. First of all, your setup should provide all the versatility you need. How you end up using effects to create your tone depends on what tones you want, need and how you prefer to record – which comes with experimenting and experience. You can very well record your amp using all your effect pedals. Obviously that will mean that you get a mono signal, using only one amp, but you would be able to record the tone you hear in the room and you can add say a stereo reverb in the mix.

      I usually record all my guitars dry. Meaning that I run all of my overdrives, distortions, fuzz and modulation pedals straight into the amp and record. In most cases I’ll add delays and reverb in Logic using either Logic plugins or third party plugins. This gives me more options and I find it easier to mix the guitars with the band.

      Back in the day, say for Dark Side of the Moon, David would record his guitars using overdrive, fuzz, modulation and echo (Binson). Outboard studio gear was used to add room and reverb was added in the mix, along with EQ and compression. Nowadays, you have all this in Logic.

  10. Hello Bjorn. Hope you are well. Sorry if this has been asked here already, but what are your thoughts on the Foxgear Echosex baby? It seems to be a good Binson Echorec clone for a very modest amount of money

      1. I see. Is that problem also present in the Foxgear T7E Baby? Just found out these two are nearly the same price, and was wondering what are the diferences (besides the additional features) between them.

        1. Both sound great to my ear and have enough features to cover David’s old Binson tones but they’re a bit too noisy compared to other similar pedals.

  11. What do you think of the TC 2290 Pedal? Would you do a review and it’s something Gilmour used before? (Not the pedal but the old actual one)

    1. David used the 2290 in the 80s and 90s for those typical pristine digital delay patterns. The new 2290P cover all of those tones.

  12. Hi Bjorn !
    Hope you are well :)
    I am hesitating between these different delay pedals :
    – Providence Chrono Delay
    – Boonar
    – or the delay in the keeley darkside
    Thanks for your help !
    Cheers !

    1. Apologies for my late reply, Marv. Depends on what sort of delay you’re looking for. The Boonar is unique and probably the best simulation of the old Binson but it doesn’t do modern stuff as well. The Providence is probably a more versatile unit covering more sounds.

    1. It captures the vibe of the Echorec. Great overall tones and you get the head combinations. Compared to the Boonar, I think it sounds a bit too dark and not as lush and the Boonar has more of the authentic features but it depends on how picky you are I guess.

      1. Hi Mr Bjorn!
        Can you tell me your opinion about Boss RE-202? What’s by your opinion, considering all Gilmour era, best delay pedal between Boss RE-202, Boonar, Boss DD 200, TC electronic Flashback, or some other pedals? Thank You, Greetings from Serbia

        1. The 202 captures that Space Echo tone and it certainly do classic Gilmour. The Boonar is closer to the Echorec David used but the 202m is probably more versatile. Depends on taste I guess.

          1. Thank you for the answer Mr Bjorn! Sorry, I think that I put two same question, by mistake. I don’t have any delay pedals wright now, and I want to catch all Gilmour era, so maybe I need to buy least 2 pedals? Maybe boonar or boss 202 and one more…? I saw recently new boss dm-101 analog pedal and I think that is fantastic, but I don’t how is that pedal for Gilmour sounds? I would be grateful if You write me your opinion about my thoughts… Thank You!

              1. It’s ok, thank you for help and advices! I have Squier upgraded with emg dg20 pickups and Laney cub super 12, Boss rt-20 and CS-3. I already ordered pastfx pedals-TdY, Patriarch, Power Booster and Elastic Mattress. I’m considering to buy Boss re-202 and TC Flashback 2 for delay and few more pedals-Mhr Phase 90-script, Boss ge-7, EH Freeze, Mooer ensemble king and one more compressor pedal-Mxr Dyna Comp or Jam Dyna Ssor… What do you think about this combination for Gilmour pedalboard and do I need some more or something different from this list? Thank you, Best regards

                  1. Hi Mr Bjorn. Sorry, I have one more question. I have offer to buy MXR Dyna Comp deluxe pedal with 4 knobs. Can tou tell me is that pedal good for Gilmour sound, is that similar to Dyna Comp script version? Thanks, Bora

  13. jean-luc chouteau

    hi mr bjorn,
    please can you give me what the delay do you used on echoes ,tape delay or other?i have a strymon timeline what ms do you used and how many repeat,thank you so much

    1. David Gilmour used a Binson Echorec for Echoes (album and live at Pompeii 1971). A tape simulation would perhaps be the closest. Set for 300ms with aprox 7 repeats and quite loud volume/mix.

  14. Hi I’m looking yo learn Run like hell, i don’t require all the equipment used just that main delay sound. Could someone let me know what would do the trick just fkr that echo delay sound thankyou

  15. Bjorn, first I wanted to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy, Safe and Musical New Year! It’s been a while since I posted on the newer site, Great Job!
    I had given you the Viking name “Bjorn the Bender!”
    As far as delay, what’s your opinion of the Catlinbread Echorec? I’ve had one for years and it’s got some interesting features and 9 different types of delay options. You can even adjust the internal pots to make it a crazy Fuzz too . I also have the tried and true MXR Carbon Copy and a Collider Reverb & Delay.
    The Collider is a bit almost To Much with the programmable options and such. Any opinion on those?
    I always enjoy your videos and reviews. Keep up the great work…Walter H.

    1. Hi Walter! The Catalinbread sounds great and it has, as you point out, most of the Binson features. Still though, I think the Catalinbread captures the feel of the Binson rather than the full experience. A bit too dark and it lack some of that reverb-like character. The Boonar is IMO the closest you’ll get to having a real Binson in a small pedal enclosure. All the features and the tone is huge.

      1. Hi Bjorn,

        I’m curious, what do you mean when you describe the Catalinbread as too dark? I’ve used the tone control on mine to make the delays brighter, but I realise that may not be the same thing. Keep up the good work, by the way!


        1. The Binson actually has very bright repeats due to its design. While most tape machines used tape, the Binson had a steel drum, which makes it sound consideribly brighter. Most Binson style pedals I’ve tried manages to capture the features and character of the Binson but not quite the authentic tone of the repeats and also that unique reverblike character. The Catalinbread is very close but I have to say that the Boonar is to my ears at least the closest you’ll get.

  16. Hello, have you considered doing a review of the Keely Halo? It’s based on Andy Timmon’s old setup where he would use two Memory Man pedals to do stereo delay.

  17. Dear Bjorn,
    I own the tc flashback and really love it for trying to get close to DG’s tone (which still would be impossible without your help here on this wondergul page!). Still I find it a bit tricky to set the exact delay time (being not a fan of the tap function, especially on stage). I remember you once marked three different delay times on your tc flashback (unfortunately I can’t find the photo of your pedal showing them, it was on your “old” homepage). Could you maybe send me this photo or describe where you set your marks (and the delay times tjry stand for? That would really great!
    Thanks so much for your work, it can’t be appreciated enough!!
    Kind regard

    1. Hi Jan, thanks for you kind words! I tried to find my old Flashback but the ones I got now are without any markings. Sorry. My best tip is to use Garageband or somthing similar, there are lots of free studio/recording apps out there, and set up a delay plug-in with 300ms for Binson, 440ms for The Wall, 380ms for Run Like Hell, 550ms for Time intro and 750 for typical 80s and 90s long delays.

      1. Hey Bjorn,
        I was looking at some analog delays such as the DM-2w or the Carbon Copy, Memory boy etc. Does an analog delay need to have a mod or is the optional?

  18. Nothing on the Catalinbread Echorec or Belle Epoch?

    Echorec is their take on the Echorec, Belle Epoch is their Echoplex, which IMO is a nice substitute for the Cornish TES.

    1. Yes, I’ve been trying to get Catalinbread to send me a Echorec for review for years but they refuse to do so. I’d be happy to do a proper review and include it in the guide.

  19. Hey Bjorn, I guess you can’t wait to try out the new analog delay from Boss!
    The famous Boss DM-101 Delay Machine!

    I think from the demo I heard, we can get closer to the Binson Echorec!
    What do you think?

  20. I am surprised to find no reference to the original MXR Carbon Copy aside from a comment.
    -> I will not be using more than 9v or be in need of brighter or percussion.
    It can be transparent and natural compared to the hyped sound.
    …, and easy to use for general use.

  21. So, a bit of advice for anyone that reads this and is using a carbon copy. I pulled mine out for the first time in 10 years, and tried running it at 12 volts. Huge difference. The repeats were significantly brighter and more percussive. Much more usable and very pleasant. From what I’ve read they can safely be run up to about 15 volts.

      1. hello Bjorn! first i want to congratulate you for everything, you helped so many people. i love everything on gilmourish!
        i was wondering if you have any opinions on the Colombo Audio’s Echo On and CostaLab’s EchoLab.

        sorry i couldnt find where to add a comment so i had to reply

        wish you all the best!

        1. Thanks for you kind words! I haven’t tried them so I can’t really tell. Both seem to cover David’s 60s and 70s Binson tones. CostaLab makes some really good pedals so I’m sure the EchoLab holds up to that standard as well.

      2. Hi Bjorn
        Thanks for all of the amazing info on gear and tone.
        I was wondering if you’ve used the Boss Dd8 and what you opinions are of the analogue and tape settings. I pair it with a triangle big muff reissue and and was considering a dyna comp script…. I also have the behringer vintage delay pedal which is fantastic in its own right. cheers Luke

        1. I think all the Boss delays are great. They have studio quality sound and lots of different options. Check out the new DD200 as well. A bit more expensive but it has storing and lots of great sounds.

    1. I like them both and I think they serve different purposes. Obviously, the Volante is a take on the Binson with all its features.

  22. Hello Bjorn,

    Boss Space Echo RE-2 with the preamp always on, Boss Blues Driver BD-2 and MXR Phase 90 Script. It’s the best Gilmour budget rig i’ve ever owned. It sounds great from Pompeii to Division Bell.

    Thanks a lot for all the precious informations. I wish you the day you need.

    Martin from Montreal

    1. Hello, my friend.
      First of all, Thanks a lot for your astounding work with this website.
      About delay, I miss one pedal in particular, which has deservedly earned a place in the Olympus of modern delay pedals that emulate classic gear: the Catalinbread Echorec.
      I could talk about the superb emulations of all kinds of amps, cabs and pedals from Line 6’s Helix range or Axe FX, but the Echorec has been so highly praised for years that I honestly think it should be on your list.
      Best regards.

  23. What are your thoughts on the Gurus Echosex 3 vs the Pompeii pedal by the original engineer? I’m debating both pedals.

    1. I have not heard the echosex3 but own the echosex2ltd and Pompeii. I love them both and they are made in Italy. Have a similar vibe to them with very lush repeats

        1. Build quality is the same with both of them. I actually like them both and have each one on a different board. The Pompeii PE 603 is closer to the Binson in that it has multiple head combinations but I rarely mess with it, sticking with heads 3 and 4. Another (less expensive) option to consider is the Pompeii T1. It does away with the multiple head combinations and just has 3/4. I have not heard it but suspect the tone is cut from the same PE603 cloth. My delays are always “on”. : -). Can’t go wrong with any of them.

    2. Hello.
      I have a Boss DM-2W delay pedal and I’ve found I can get really good delay sounds based on all eras of David’s career. What’s your opinion on this pedal?

      Greetings from South Carolina, USA.


  24. Looking at a tape/drum echo type delay.
    Boonars at the top of my list right now, but the volante seems like a strong contender at a similar price. And the newer re-202 likewise.
    It seems to have been a year or two since someone’s asked, any thoughts on the Volante?
    How about the re-202?
    Upgraded re-20 after all.
    Thanks for all you do!

    1. I haven’t tried the new RE but it’s a bit darker sounding and you don’t have the same head combinations as the Binson. Great tone though. The Boonar and Volante are pretty similar. I’ve been using the Boonar for some time now and love it.

  25. Hi Bjorn, I don’t know if you know, but the Echosex 2 can be powered in 12 volts, and also in 9 volts!
    Have you ever tried 12 volts?
    If yes, what do you think?
    Can we hear a difference on an additional 3 volts?

  26. Hi Bjorn!!! IS it possible to play the intro of Time (slap back and longdelay) with only one delay like the TC Nova-1?? Tried it but didn´t quire naile it.

    1. No. That multi head slapback can only be achieved by a multihead pedal or combining two pedals. You can however setup a delay to beat with the song. You’ll get a long delay but it sounds better than a fast siingle slapback.

  27. My pick for slapback echo: the Catalinbread Belle Epoch (I have the special edition Japanese character one – I made a translation behind it lol). It’s what I originally used for rockabilly, and it’s DYNO-MITE (and outta sight).

    1. I haven’t tried it but it seems to have the features you need to be able to cover the classic tones as well as the more accurate digital stuff.

  28. Hi Bjorn, I am currently building a budget pedal which cover both Gilmour and john Mayer tones. What would you suggest pedal wise which can achieve this? Especially Aqua puss mk3 delay will work?

      1. I have a laney cub 8 and squire bullet Stratocaster guitar…I live in India where the guitar stuff are extremely expensive and have markup as they needed to be imported…also, where is the gear gallery on website, i remember it use to have one, i even sent a picture if my guitar.

    1. The Aqua-Puss Mk3 is great for slapback, that’s what its designed for, and what I use it for (as does Mr Mayer).
      However, it doesnt do much more, so it wont do the long lush delays.

      For versitility, may I suggest a Memoryman nano or even a Flashback 2.

      Good luck Arshad!

      1. Hey Elmar, thanks for the help. I think I am gonna go with flashback mini. As I live in India, pedals are quite expensive. Memoryman nano is double the price of flashback mini.

    2. You should look at the dod rubberneck delay . 1.5 secs pure analogue , modulation, tone control so it’s brighter than the CC , effects loop in the repeats , and overdrive setting . Trails , dotted rights etc . Built like boss .
      No brainier

  29. Hey Bjorn,
    I looking to recreate the Echorec sound but between the Flashback and the Alter Ego v2 which was discontinued a few years ago, which one would be the better choice here?

    1. You can create the Alter Ego sounds with the tone print editor. None of these does the Binson but rather a Binson-ish tone when the Binson is set for a single head repeat. You might want to look at the EXH Memory Man for similar sounds or, the Dawner Prince Boonar if you want something as close to the real deal as possible.

      1. Hey Bjorn, Hey Eric, TC has added Alter EgoTonePrints to the TonePrint app recently. They are filed under Andy Martin. I believe that these are the Alter Ego 2 ones, he had tweaked for the V2.

        @ Bjorn: Thanks for the great work you are doing here!

        Best Heiko

  30. Bjorn, this site is amazing and I love all your insights and reviews. I can’t thank you enough for the advice you’ve given here.

    About 6 months ago I sold off 14 pedals and bought 3 pedals with the profits to get closer to DG’s sound. First I got a Dawner Prince Boonar based on your recommendation. This has been one of the best purchases of my pedal buying life! It is just a beautiful sounding analog delay. The second, also based on your recommendations was an Analogman Sunface BC-109. Man, that nailed the tone I had not found yet. The third was a JAM Pedals Wahco Wah with the “seagull” switch because “Echoes is my single favorite PF song. I’ve tried several Big Muff variants and I ended up with an original ARC Effects Big Muff Pi. I think I will look into a Soothsayer to compliment it.

    With those 4 pedals I feel like I can achieve an amazing Gilmourish tone, maybe not exactly DG but I love it. The Boonar and Sunface are just magical pedals and have truly brought joy to my playing of late. I have a dozen dirt pedals 3 digital delays a couple of Phaser, Tremolo, and Chorus pedals but none of these matter quite as much.

    Thank-you for the insight to make wise choices.

  31. Hi Bjorn !!!
    Congratulations for another one time for your excellent work!
    I would like to ask you how can i achieve at my home studio the delay sound of Time solo..
    I ve tried with MXR carbon copy analog delay with TC electronic Nova delay but unfortunately it doesn’t sound good to me…Do you have any advice?
    Thank you very much in advance!
    Have you ever tried the Ibanez Echo shifter ?

    1. Thank you! The Carbon is perhaps a bit too dark but the Nova should do the job, with the right preset. David used a Binson Echorec on Dark Side of the Moon and digital delays in more recent years. Check out the Boonar for Binson and the Boss DD200 for other stuff.

  32. Hi Bjorn, Have you gotten the opportunity to try out the Strymon Volante? Unless I overlooked it, I didn’t see any posts saying that you have yet. If so, how do you like it compared to the others you have tried?

  33. Hi Bjorn,
    Any plans to review the Cicognani Pompeii? I just love mine for that lush echo, ala Gurus Echosex but with all the Binson head options. Thanks again for your stellar reviews!

  34. The best BBD analog delay I ever tried is the MoogerFooger one.
    At the point I bought two MF-104Z… They’re OK for me since I have MIDI-to-CV stuff, thus, there is also a MF-104M that can be piloted by MIDI… Hopefully, bought mines before discontinuation: their prices have sky-rocketed on 2nd hand market.
    Production stopped when it became impossible to get NOS 2x15V BBD ships (15kHz bandwidth). Any BBD you can find nowadays runs on 9V so forget about such bandwidth.
    Don’t be surprised if all actual analog delays/chorus/flangers have darker sounds than vintage ones except if the builder still has vintage NOS BBDs.
    The circuits are from the Modular Moog’s delays, the grain is absolutely gorgeous.

    Fulltone builds tube and solid state brand new tape delays.
    T-Rex also does a transistor model…It’s cheaper, but rather than reel tape, it obviously uses audio-K7 tape. Better stockpile tape cartridges if you go for such devices.

  35. Hi Bjorn, I own the Catalinbread Echorec, and I’m wondering, if the Carbon Copy could do anything more for me?
    Regarding the sound Binson Echorec, earlier period of David!
    Thank you

    1. The Carbon Copy is an Analog echo/delay. Very dark, with a bit of dirt on the trails. I think the Catalinbread is much better for those early Floyd tones.

  36. Hi Bjorn,

    I was wondering if the Boss DD 500 would be a good option to play Comfortably Numb?
    What would be your settings ?

    Thx !

      1. Bjorn
        Have you tried the crazy tube circuits time pedal.
        It’s based on the mxr rack delay gilmour used .
        The YouTube vids sound superb on phones .

        1. I haven’t but I see that it gets a lot of attention. I’ll do a review if they agree to send me one.

  37. Hi Bjorn,

    I was wondering if the Boss DD 500 would be a good option?
    What settings would you prefer on this pedal?

    THX !

    1. I don’t own one myself but it pretty much has it all, with classic Boss tones. A good place to start is to go analog or tape sounds for the 70s stuff and digital for the 80s, 90s and present.

  38. Hi Bjorn,
    I find myself consistently visiting your site for information and much appreciate your continued maintenance and support to those of us who love David Gilmour’s tone!
    Wondering if you have ever experimented with a Boonar and an Echosex2 Ltd on your board together. I had abandoned my Echosex for quite a while after buying a Boonar but recently put her back on my board. I had forgotten how big and beautiful a tone I could get with that pedal! I am sure the tube and preamp have a lot to do with it but I am convinced this combination of the Boonar and Echosex can cover so much of David’s material. After adding the Pulse (based on your recommendation) at the end of my chain going into two amps you would not believe how great Sid’s Theme sounds using the Echosex, Pulse and 1980s MIJ CE-2 together! When I want to play the Time intro I just use my Boonar and engage the swell switch and I’m there. The digital processing of the Boonar and the brighter repeats seems to cover most of the “digital” bases for me and the organic, big sound of the Echosex2 Ltd just nails the early Binson years. I was debating looking into the newer Cicognani Pompeii but not sure now, given how well both these pedals satisfy my delay cravings. Would love your thoughts, as well as wondering if plan to review the new Cicognani pedals down the road! Thanks again. Rob

    1. Hi Rob, thanks for your kind words! I’ve never tried that combo but certainly use the Boonar and Echosex pedals a lot. For different purposes really.

  39. Hi Bjorn!

    I just discovered this website and want to thank you for the great content. I also just discovered your music and I want to tell you that your EP A Storm Is Coming is absolutely fantastic and the best thing I have heard in years! Having recently started playing guitar again I purchased some new pedals to play with, an EHX Canyon and a FoxGear EchoSex Baby (which I discovered thanks to your YouTube video). Any thoughts on the Canyon or any recommended settings on either pedal? Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing some new music in the future.

  40. Hi, Bjorn. I own TCE Flashback. Its very lovely pedal. But for my ear its too clean and probably a little soulless. You tried many digital (for the Gilmour’s tones after 1980) delays. What do you think is it possible to upgrade a rig with more singing delay? Or digital delays are quite similar to each other? Delays like Lucky cat (in digital mode) or smth else could it be a better alternative?

        1. Stephen, I agree with Bjorn regarding the EXC Canyon but of all mentioned, I bought the Catalinbread….even over the Boonar which I thought would be “the winner” for me. Catalinbread is pure quality and the multi-drum combinations were all equally phenomenally different. It captured the “Mojo” that I felt was missing from many others I have played including a few Strymon options, and the Carbon Copy. I feel that Catalin’s Echorec nailed the but also was spot on in many other “atmospheric tones”. Catlinbread’s Adineko is also great for a darker atmosphere and is a beast in its own personality but you won’t get Gilmour out of it. It is an oil can emulator vs. the drum.

  41. Hi Bjorn,

    Been following your site (and Airbag!) for years, thanks for everything you do!

    I have a TC Electronic Flashback V1, I’ve noticed there’s some ‘slight’ frequency loss when I turn it on with my Green russian big muff. It becomes a tad more mids/muddier which is a shame because I want to combine both pedals. However I don’t seem to hear much of this ‘loss’ with my other pedals.turned on with the delay. Know any solutions to this? Possibly to do with the flashback being true bypass instead of buffer?


    1. Thanks for the kind words Jo! Sorry for the late reply. The Flashback should be operated in buffered mode. That way it won’t change your signal.

  42. Hi Bjorn

    First thank for this awesome website it’s really great
    I’d like to change my actual delay (an Aqua Puss from Way Huge) for another one but I hesitate between
    The Echo Puss – Way Huge
    Carbon Copy
    and the skreddy echo
    Which is the best to get the Gilmour tone from the late 60’s and the early 70’s ?


    1. I guess any of these will do the job. I haven’t tried the Skreddy so I can’t tell in detail. The Carbon is a bit too dark for my taste. A favourite of mine is the Lucky Cat from JHS. Awesome vintage character.

      1. Thanks Bjorn ! I finally bought the Echo Puss from Way Huge, I really wanted an analog pedal, I hope that one will be able to recreate the sound of the Echorec
        thanks again for your help

        1. FWIW Ron, I tried the Skreddy Echo for Gilmour tones as well as Bill Corgan tones and found it didn’t cover Gilmour well enough by itself. It was warm sounding but too one-dimensional.

  43. Hi Bjorn,
    I am in the market of buying my first delay pedal. I really want to catch those Binson Echorec tones on a budget, i am a retro freak.
    Is the flashback tape mode and toneprint presets enough to emulate a Binson or do you consider a NUX tape force (digital clone of Boss RE20, also they have a clone of El Capistan clone called NUX Atlantic)? Or even any other Chinese clones with tape mode on?

    Keep up the excellent work. Cheers

    1. I haven’t tried the Nux pedals so I can’t tell. As you know, the Binson had the ability to combine mulitple heads for different types of echo. You would need that for stuff like the intro on Time but David mainly used a single echo with about 6-7 repeats. In that sense you can pretty much use any delay pedal with a tape simulation for that vintage flavour.

  44. Hi Bjorn, thanks for this great site. Since the PULSE is my favorite sound, I try to have the same gear from that period. I just bought a Lexicon PCM 70. But it’s not clear to me if he is using the PCM 70 for the reverb or for the delays. Also not clear to me about the Boss CE-2. I noticed that nearly on every song the CE-2 is used on the left, and sometimes another CE-2 is also used, but when you see the pics you can only see one CE-2. Greetings from Malta

    1. To my knowledge the PCM70 was used for delays and certain effects only, like emulating the multiple heads on the Binson echo machine David used in the 70s. The left chorus is always on to create a wider stereo image. The mono is used for certain effects. Both are located in the custom Phil Taylor rack unit.

  45. I have a TC Nova and was wondering if I should add a echo or rotary pedal next. Thanks for all you do to keep us Gilmour fans up to date as to the needed gear.

  46. Hi Björn, have you checked out the new Boss DD200? Wondering how that might compare to the Flashback 2. They seem to have many of the same features.

      1. Do please! I happen to have one and would love to know how get the best Gilmour out of it. It has Tape (models RE-201) and Drum (EchoRec2) delays, Tap Tempo and all the settings you need, including a digital display for exact setting. See what you think of it and tell us! Thanks.

        1. Hey friend! Did you happen to figure out any DD200 settings? I just got mine and being a newer player, am a bit overwhelmed with it.

    1. The JHS is much more analog sounding. Warm and smooth and, it’s got that slightly percussive attack to the repeats similar to the Binson.

  47. Hi Bjorn,
    How does David use his 2x Providence Chrono delays in more recent tour setups?
    And would you recommend the DLY-4 as a digital delay as it is a fair amount cheaper than Free the Tone’s delay pedal? Realise it is not as tweakable as FTT but still looks quite good for straight forward delay.

      1. I ended up getting one second hand, really nice digital delay not to brittle and manages to keep most of your original tone intact. However, I have noticed it adds some top end into the signal which they will probably say is the buffer.
        Because I like my tone as is will likely need to run it through a true bypass switcher as it is very nice on clean guitar parts.
        Thinking the Providence for clean and my Dawner Prince Boonar for clean and dirty guitar parts.

        Thank Bjorn, love the site BTW it has been an invaluable resource for me over the years.

  48. Humberto Cavalcante

    Good morning Bjorn, I need your help again, I found T-rex Replica and T-rex repitile 2 for the same price, what is the difference between them? Thank you, a hug!

    1. Not much really. From the top of my head they have more or less the same features but the Replica sounds warmer and more vintage I guess. Closer to the Memory Man, while the Reptile, although well worth checking out, is sort of a budget version of the same, with a slightly more pristine tone.

      1. Humberto Cavalcante

        Thanks Bjorn, I just bought the T rex replica, I found its sound exactly as you described it, more vintage Memory man style, now just wait for the pedal to come and do the tests. Thanks for the guidance, hug

  49. Humberto Cavalcante

    Good morning, I would like some help from you, I bought “Alter Ego” a year ago and it is not working, I saw that David Gilmour use a “T-Rex replica” on the tour of “Rattle That Lock”. I play some solos from Gilmour that he uses distortion. I searched video of “Memory Man” with distortion and did not find. I really liked some videos of “T-Rex Reptile 2” on Youtube. What delay pedal would you indicate for distorted solos?

  50. Hi ! First, thank for your site, it’s kind of a reference for me now :)

    I’m from France and it’s getting hard to find a TC flashback now. So I’m looking for an alernative that will do the job well. The Boss DD-7 was interesting, but each time I read the word “sterile” on a description, I run Away haha. The second pick you would recommend is the Boonar. Haven’t tried i, but this one seems a little bit complicated to handle. And it’s not the same price so far. But … well, I don’t want a cheap pick that won’t do the job, I prefer spend a little bit more :)

    THank you for your help !

    1. The Boonar is an emulation of the Binson, which is great for the early stuff but not quite what you want for the 80s, 90s and present Gilmour tones. What about the EHX Canyon? Very similar to the Flashback.

  51. Hi Bjorn,
    I have a mexican strat and a blackstar ht-5r. I bought the big muff green russian and it sounds very cool. I want to add a delay to my setup but I don’t want to add a digital pedal which will make the whole sound digital. What is your recommendation? I’m going to buy only one pedal for delay. What would you do? :)

  52. Hi Bjorn! I love watching your demos of these pedals. Sometimes I forget that the best thing we can do as guitarists is learn to PLAY OUR INSTRUMENTS! (Ha ha ha.) But I’ve been thinking about putting a second delay on my board. Right now I’ve got a carbon copy that is always on (and pretty subtle — mostly I like the tape-warble on this pedal). But I was thinking of putting a second pedal on for longer and cleaner delays. I really like the Strymon (and the Nu-X Atlantic, which is basically a cheaper version of the Strymon). How to you think the two might combine? I know you don’t use reverb much, so do you have a delay “always on”? Thank you — you have no idea how much you’ve helped me with my tone!

    1. Hi David! Depends on what delay tones you’re looking for. The Carbon is great for those classic echo and analog tones but for the more pristine repeats and longer delay settings you might want to consider a digital unit. I haven’t tried the Nux but the Strymon pretty much cover everything. Do also check out the TC Flashback.

  53. Hello Bjorn, which reverb pedal do you recommend me, Hall of fame 2 (Tc electronics) or Oceans 11 (Ehx)?

    1. They’re very similar. The HoF is probably a bit more spristine sounding, while Oceans got a bit more warmth and character.

  54. Hello Bjorn, what a splendid site you have, much thanks for that!
    I have a question, what brand is the Repeater pedal, you said its a smaller buget version of the Nova delay.
    Is it a Mooer?

      1. Actually you’re correct both times, Bjorn! The TC Nova Repeater was a stripped down version of their Nova Delay. They no longer make them but they are fantastic delays! Extremely intuitive and useful controls.

  55. Hey Bjorn,

    I was just wondering if you’ve given thought to using any rack units for delay and similar effects.
    I just got a Lexicon MPX 100 for $60 USD and it has a pretty good digital delay, tap tempo, and dedicated reverb. It might be worth checking out.

    1. The MPX-G2 will drive you insane : it’s close to be PULSE in a box!!!
      Real Whammy, real IPS-33, real JamMan Looper, dBx, real analog Tube Screamer, you just miss the Muff, the Rat, the HM-2 and you’d probably prefer analogue compressors, chorus and flanger but even tho, the digital ones onboard are freaking good…

  56. Vincent Howland


    Great stuff here, man! What are your thoughts on the new Strymon Volante? I LOVE the demos and it really seems to nail the Binson tone and feel. I’m considering saving up for one, but I’m fighting the urge to get a Catalinbread Echorec instead.

    Thoughts and advice on this matter?

    1. I havnen’t tried the Volante, sp I can’t really tell other than the demos sound very promising. I would suspect though that the Catalinbread and Boonar can du much of the same.

  57. Heitor Carneiro

    Hello Bjorn! Thank you very much for your hard work on this website.

    Between the TC Flashback 2 or x4 and the EHX Canyon Delay and Grand Canyon Delay, which would be better for recreating the sounds from the ASoS – Animals era?

    1. Oh… I think they’re all overlapping to some extent. You get all of these to do pretty much the same kind of tones. I’m very fond of the Flashback and you can get some really nice vintage tones by using the Tone Print editor. Depending on how authentic you want to be, you might want to check out the Dawner Prince Boonar.

      1. Flashback 2 has tap tempo facility via an external footswitch (n/o, non latching). It is missing the strum tempo from ver 1, I believe. You have to enable the tap feature using the PC Toneprint editor (not the app) and connect the footswitch into the R stereo input using a TRS plug, with the switch between ring and sleeve. Tip remains R audio input. You can fit a TRS plug to a standard TS switch or buy a (somewhat expensive) MXR M199 tap switch and a TRS cable, and adjust the DIP switch in the M199 for ring operation. Hope that helps! (I got this from YouTube. TC tech support was useless.)

        1. There is a beta feature on the way for the flashback II that uses the MASH button to enable a tap tempo feature. If you have one you can try it

          “If you own a Flashback 2 and you’d like to help us beta test firmware V1.2.00, please contact us at

          This is a couple weeks old now, but it might still work if you email them.

  58. Hi Bjorn, have you created your own tone prints that users can download and use for TC Flashback or Alter Ego? Also do you know of any TC Flashback or Alter Ego preset or tone print that can give a long and smooth reverb like tails? I don’t have a reverb pedal but I thought I check see if there is any particular setting that create that sort of reverb-like fullness and smooth tail (you don’t hear the repeats rather they fuse together like a reverb tail). I know DG doesn’t use reverb but I wanted that kind of tone for another setup.
    Thanks man for all your efforts to keep the guitar community nourished. :)

    1. I don’t have the Alter Ego anymore so no I don’t have any presets and no I don’t know if you can create such a tone. That being said, I would imagine that if you can set up the TPE for a multiple heads kind of delay, similar to the Binson, then you’d get a more reverb type of echo.

  59. Hi Bjorn,

    I use google translation !

    I would like to know what delay you advise me to make music styles grouping:
    1 ° U2
    2 ° Pink Floyd
    3 ° The Police

     Regardless of the price.
    Still not too complex to set.
    With tap tempo.
    No use of lunch.
    Some recordable and recallable presets by footswich.

    What are your advices ?
    One big delay?
    Or two delay pedals?

    Which pedals precisely? Knowing that I already have a TC FLASHBACK triple delay. Can I get better at the sound level?
    With more presets and if possible smaller in size?

    Thank you very much for your advice.


    1. I think it’s hard to beat the TC. It should cover all you need. If you want to expand, then I guess Strymon or Eventide is the next step.

      1. Thank you for your reply Bjorn !
        Compared to my criteria already stated, if I opt for Strymon or eventide, you advise me which models precisely and in order of preference?
        Thank you so much !


  60. Hi, Bjorn. Just wanted to clear up for readers that the T-Rex Replica is a digital delay and is the same circuit as the old TC Electronic Vintage Delay pedal. It’s tone, IMO of course, is akin to pristine 2290esque digital or like a new tape machine with brand new tape, depending on what mode the filter switch is on. It is in fact an awesome delay and a solid and versatile choice for every style. Thank you so much for your site and the time and effort you’ve put into it. I have found alot of your information extremely useful in improving my tone for everything I play, not just Floyd. Thank you again!

    1. Luis Oliveira de Sousa

      Hi Bjorn! I am very curious about the same thing. I am in the market for buy a new delay pedal with a good interface. I am in doubt between Nemesis, H9, Valente and TimeLine to get the Pink Floyd tones with more versatility. Have you tried those pedals before? Looking forward to hearing from you about the Valente pedal too! I

      1. I think all of those pedals will do the job. My experience with these multi delay pedals is that they all sound very good so it’s more about tracking down the one that has the tones and features you need.

        1. Hi Bjorn! Thank you so much for your quickly reply! I am a huge fan of your website and I built my pedalboard based in your reviews and comments. Now, I need to buy a new delay and again you help me. Keep moving and congrats again for your AMAZING website

  61. Hello Bjørn,
    I use the Nova System effect processor which basically have same deley build in as the Nova Delay pedal. My problem is when I want to make the delay for R. L. H. WITH 380 AND 507 ms delay, it doesnt sound right at all. I can adjust the the feedback individually, I can pan the to delay in each side (left and right) but the mix level cant be adjusted individually. Have you succeded to set up the Run like hell double delay for run like hell and another brick in the wall with the t.c. Electronic Nova Delay pedal?
    Thanks for a fantastic homepage ??

    1. It’s been a while since I used to the Nova so I can’t really remember how I used to set the patches. For it to work with two patches you really need to be able to adjust the volume individually. If not, I’d stick to using only one delay, which would be the 380ms.

  62. Just wondering if you have ever used the catalinbread echorec. I got one recently, really liked the delay and its warmth. I’ve tried using its preamp to push the my hiwatt gain type drive pedal, didn’t really liked cause it thickened the lows too much, So i’m placing it after the gain pedals which I really like.

  63. Hello : )
    Thank you for sharing all this good knowledge.
    I am in the marked for a delay pedal that can be set up for some “triplets” ( …really enjoyed the run like hell video you made…)
    Would the TC flashback 2 work?

    To something completely different- Have you, or anyone around tried a Cornell plexi amp?
    Have a 7w head with a 1×12 cab “in sight”. Maybe not the obvious choice for DG tones, but i like the vintage sounds alot.


  64. Trying to decide between the Flashback and the Hall of Fame 2. The HF2 seems to have some features I want but don’t want to lose Gilmourish sound either.

  65. Anyone have any experience with the Prophet Delay from TC? It is a one trick pony compared to their other stuff but I’m just looking for that CN liquidy solo tone. Anyone have a better option? The other TC stuff overwhelms me because of the quantity of functions and how a single knob can range from a slap to like like 8 seconds of delay. I would be nuts trying to make sure I didn’t bump it…

    Forgive the typos; iDevice…

      1. I did try the Prophet, I ultimately don’t use it much, and heres why.

        Perhaps it’s just a problem with my setup, or not.

        It has a ton of options, really it’s a great little device for the price.

        My one complaint is when you do 1 to 1-1/2 step bends, it gives this not very desirable distorted sound. Time is a great example with the 17th fret B string bends. As well as the ending with the long drawn out 4th fret G string bends.

        It’s hard to explain, but if you bend slowly, it doesn’t do it, a fast harsh bend will produce it every time.

        I have tried every combination between the pedal, amp, and guitar. No real fix. The only thing that dulls it down a bit is turning it to a clean sound, which is no fun.

        My setup is a Squire vintage modified 70s with the duncan designed pickups, fender strings I believe they are 10s, the prophet, TC forcefield compressor ( which works great ), and a marshall MG15CFX.

  66. Hi Bjorn,

    Great site! Between strymon el capistain and boonar dawner in you’re opinion what’s more versatile?

    Thanks a lot


    1. Oh… hard to tell really. The Strymon would probably be more versatile but they’re overlapping to some extent. I think the Boonar does an excellent Binson emulation.

  67. Hi Bjorn! thanks for you’re great Job on this site and you’re beautiful music! I love airbag!
    can I ask You, in you’re opinion, is better tc flashback o boss dd2 for gilmour sound?(I prefer the wall era)

    thanks a lot


    1. Thanks Simon! I love them both but the Flashback has more presets and options so that’s probably a better and more versatile choice.

  68. Bjorn, Have you tried the Electro Harmonix Canyon? I have and I think it’s awesome. From what I’ve read here the go-to delay (cheap) is the flashback, I’ve also read amazing reviews but haven’t quite tried it myself. Is the flashback really better? I’m really torn between the two

    1. Briefly. There are some really nice tones but I do prefer the Flashback. They’re very similar but to my ears the Flashback sound more pristine and blend better with the guitar. A matter of taste.

  69. With so many versions of the flashback how does one choose, what version is the best or most recommend one for the Gilmour style tones wheather it be the mini or flashback or flashback 2 or even the X4

    1. All of them can produce the same tones and tone prints so it comes down to what sort of features you need easy access to. I have the mini on a mini board but otherwise I use the standard version. Again, same tones…

      1. I learned the hard way that this isn’t true: the Flashback 2 does *not* have the same tones as the original, or control over the same parameters. For example with the tape mode, on the original you could get the full 7 seconds of delay time and if using it as the basis of a tone print could manipulate certain parameters. But with version 2 the tape mode time tops out at 800ms, and the entire algorithm was changed to be more authentic. What’s more, the Toneprint parameters have changed for all the modes, so for example you can’t take the 2290 mode and make it sound like tape by increasing modulation and saturation. As well there’s a new version of the Toneprint editor and it doesn’t work with both pedals. TC has dropped the ball on making all this clear on their website: the support videos for the Toneprint editor are from a few versions ago and aren’t applicable at all. I can’t speak to the other versions, but the 2 that ostensibly should be closest, since they have the same form factor, are quite different.

        1. Felipe Miranda

          The new TonePrint Editor has become difficult and complicated to use because of numerous parameters and there are no manual or tutorial videos to explain. I got frustrated to the Flashback 2 because there is no more tap tempo function on pedal, you need a external tap tempo. I’m honestly considering take a programable delay for the same price like Flashback as for example the Nova Delay.

  70. Nice piece. Have you ever tried the IBanez UE405? It was from the early 90’s amd has a nice analog delay that is somewhat limited to setting for one sound and leaving it. I think I’ll try to find that 300ms setting and play with the repeats to get a full sounding tone. I bought it new back the. For less than I see it selling now. It also has a parametric EQ, compressor limiter and stereo chorus. All analog.
    Mike from Milwaukee Wisconsin USA

  71. Finally I got for BOONAR !!! Great great good sound a little bit rich of high in repeats, but working on tape are and toner settimo the sound result very colse to Binson.
    So I’m very curious to listen the new BOONAR version thai Will come out with valve circuit and toner option.
    No news in this ?

  72. very informative. my latest squeeze however is the mooer ocean machine because its a modern take on reverb and delay plus looper a very creative gilmour machine all in one unit. a machine thats still to be exploited. i wonder wbst davd would think about it?

  73. hello Bjorn, I bought a nova but it generates breath when I branch in series. this breath is more important when I plug it into the effects loop.

    Do you have any idea of ​​what can cause this? The amp or a pedal ?

    My amp is a fender bassbreaker 15.

    1. And by breath you mean noise? Have you tried to unplug it from the rest of the pedals and just run it alone between the guitar and amp? Are you using the right powering – both volt and ampere? Are you sure that it’s not amplifying noise generated by other pedals? Does it only occur with the Nova?

      1. Yes, it’s a continuous noise, like the wind blowing. When I run the nova alone between the guitar and the amp, I have this continuous noise but I notice if i use the guitar with amp (with no pedals) I have also this continuous noise.

        I use a palmer wt 08 and i think use the good volt and ampere.

        if i use the effects loop with mooer elady, I can strongly hear the flanger’s rotations.

        1. Ok, so if the noise is present even with all the pedals unplugged then the problem lies elsewhere and the Nova might be amplifying that. Continue with just the guitar into the amp and check all cables, power and any source nearby that might cause noise, like computers, lights etc. Change guitars, if possible, to see if the problem is the guitar or the amp. If it’s the amp, then you might want to take it to a certified tech and have them look at it.

  74. Just going to throw my two cents in and say that the Boonar is one of the finest pedals out there, certainly my favourite I’ve ever used. I was planning on getting a Providence Chrono to run alongside it to make sure I have all the bases covered, but I honestly don’t think I will anymore. Sure, I sacrifice being able to do precise, rhythmic dotted eighth stuff, but the sound of the Boonar and the joy of playing it is so much more than I’d expected. The Echosex and the Catalinbread, as great as they are, still just feel like delay pedals; the Boonar really does feel like that magical, giant unit that took Gilmour’s playing to such great heights. Even outside of just chasing Gilmour’s tones, it’s so inspiring; I’ve already rewritten a few of the tracks on the project I’m working on around the sounds I’ve gotten out of it. I can’t recommend it highly enough, unless you’ve had the pleasure of using the actual unit, you’ve never experienced anything like it.

  75. Hi Bjõrn ! Had the warm Reptile 2 , which i sadly sold ( did not play much delay at this time !) , now i play many U2 and David Gilmour songs, classic rocks covers and want a dotted 8th warm delay, not too hi-fi studio sounding too….I play P90 guitars and Starplayer tv ( 😉), so is the T-Rexreplay box warm enough, not too straight and crispy delay ? Love all options but only the warmness would make it hard to choose…what do you think against JHS PINK PANTHER, WALRUS DELAY ? Are digital delays not Too thin ….? Thanks a lot, Gaëtan, France

    1. I haven’t tried those so I can’t really tell. The TRex Replica is perhaps one of the finest warm sounding classic delays I’ve played. A current favourite of mine is the FX Amplification Heartbeat, which is very similar to the Memory Man and Replica. See my review here.

  76. Hello Bjorn! Love your website I’ve recently just discovered it and it’s full of knowledge about David’s tone. I’ve been saving some money for quite sometime now and have been looking into the Boss DD-500 that has about 12 different delay effects and would like to hear your opinion about it to see if I could try to get that classic Run Like Hell tone from it.


    1. Thanks for the kind words! I haven’t tried the 500 but based on Boss delays in general and the DD20 I would assume that you can cover just about any Gilmour delay and much more.

  77. Hi Bjorn, congratulations on such a fabulous site! I regularly visit your website to make pruchasing decisions on everything Gilmour-related. With that said, I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding the Boss DM-2W Delay. I understand that it is a phenomenal delay for the preice. I already own the heavy hitting delays on the market: Gurus Echosex 2 Ltd., Strymon Timeline, Strymon El Capistan, Strymon DIG, Line6 DL4, Skreddy Echo, Pigtronix Echolution, JAM Pedals Delay Llama Supreme, Catalinbread Echorec, Source Audio Nemesis, Eventide TimeFactor, MXR Carbon Copy, Empress EchoSystem, and so forth.

    My goal is to find a small MXR-size pedal that produces incredible analog delays. As noted, I already own a bevy of delays. I was just wondering if you have had any experience with the Boss DM-2W Wazacraft Delay. It appears to be a serious contender for the small-enclosure analog delay. Any information you can provide would be fantastic!

    Thank you so much, Bjorn!

    1. Hi James! Thans for the kind words! Wow, quite a collection you got there! I guess you got the analog delay tones covered so in that sense, you probably don’t need the DM :) As you know, the DM2 was the first analog delay in a small pedal and the tone has been cloned by almost everyone. It’s fairly dark but there’s something very musical about how it all blends perfectly with the guitar. In comparison with say the Carbon Copy, I find that the DM is slightly brighter and almost tape-like, whereas the Carbon often sound too dark to my ears and a bit too dirty. It’s a matter of taste. The Waza also has 800ms, the original had only 300ms.

  78. Hi Bjorn,
    I’ve already bought a TC Flashback and is really nice.
    For modulations I would buy a chorus and a phaser but not a flanger, and that’s why I would like to add it with the Flashback.
    Have you ever tried adding a flanger effect through the toneprint editor of the Flashback?

    If yes, do you think it would be good enough compared to a true flanger stompbox?
    Do you have any suggestion about editing a toneprint with a flanging effect? I mean…is it better using Tape or 2290? And how much Speed and Depth for the flanger…?

    Thank you very much.

    1. The DM-2 is hard to beat when it comes to analog delay. The Waza also allow higher time settings so definitely worth checking out.

    1. I like the Reeco. It’s based on the Boss DD2. But really, I think your best value would be to get a TC Flashback. Either the standard version or the mini.

      1. I,m not crazy about the reecho ,,i own one and it seems to change the tone of my guitar so i got another one ,,for those short on cash ,,i would try the NUX Time force ,,$50 for 11 delays ,,tap tempo ,,tailing ,,note splits ,,looper and then some and it does,nt affect my tone !

  79. Bjorn have you seen the fender mirror image delay? It has a digital analog and tape mod on it and it comes 2/3 of the price of the flashback. I think about buying one. Any thoughts?

    1. I haven’t tried it. Sounds nice on the clips but I guess it doesn’t have anything that others can’t do. Good price point.

      1. Actually think of getting a nux time force, mosrly because of the multi head tape echo mode will order it and will wrtie a review in the comments. Cheers

  80. Hey Bjorn! I’m thinking about getting a good Binson pedal, I am torn between the Boonar and the new Echosex 2 T7E model… You have reviewed both of them. Which one did you like best? Price wouldn’t be a concern even though the boonar is almost half the price of the Echosex. Thanks!

    1. I guess the Boonar is more faithful to the old Binson both in terms of features and tone. The Echosex is my favourite though. More like a Memory Man with Binson features :)

  81. Hi Bjorn!!
    I’m considering to buy the Way Huge Aqua Puss, it has a tonal influence that I really love, I think it will bring me in the vintage territory I’m searchin’.
    I wanna ask you: are 300 ms too few for playing Pink Floyd songs??
    I know the Binson Echorec 2 was about 310 ms, so it’d be able to cover from ASoS to WYWH, but I’m thinkin’ about Animals and The Wall, what do you think??

    1. You wouldn’t be able to dial in those Wall delay times that you would need for Another Brick, Run Like Hell etc. Lost of the 80s and 90s stuff are aprox 750ms.

  82. hi Bjorn & friends
    Thanks for your amazing encyclopedia of sound – its a real Bible for me.
    Just got me the El Capistan and I wanderd if you can share your favorit settings for that one.
    Again – can say thank you another 1000 times…

  83. Hi Bjorn,
    what do you think about the ELECTRO HARMONIX mod. DELUXE MEMORY MAN XO pedal ?
    Is it REALLY a GOOD Instrument ?

  84. Thank you for your thorough analyses – I have found all of them very informative…I have a question: what are your thoughts on the Empress Vintage Modified Superdelay? I own one in conjunction with a Catalinbread Echorec and I have quite a lot of fun with it. Thoughts?

    1. I’ve only tried it briefly and not enough to really comment on it. I remember it had some lovely vintage sounds… and a lot of controls :)

  85. Hey just wanted to ask why there seems to be such a strong bias towards the boonar vs the caitlenbread? I was in the studio and felt they both were good and really had a hard time deciding which was better. The caitlenbread nails the dark elements of Pompeii tones really well. I did not feel there was a clear cut winner unless your splitting hairs? I also got some amazing sounds running looped Lo Fi guitar sounds through it and turning knobs. Some unworldly modulation.

    1. I owned both and ultimately chose the Belle Epoch Deluxe so I can give an honest evaluation. People say how bright the Boonar is but I found that while the initial repeats were quite bright, even in newest drum age there was a progressive roll off of high end. As drum age is increased this is drastically accentuated. With the Echorec the tone knob is a true low or high pass filter, so the range of bright to dark is much more extreme. Personally I liked it best at about 1230 as the repeats seemed the most rich and dynamic, much more so than the Boonar at any setting. I didn’t like how modulation on the Boonar was tied in with the loss of high end in the drum age control; whereas the Echorec has a dedicated modulation control but inside the pedal which was a hassle as I found the desire to tweak it a lot. The Echorec had a much wider threshold of infinite repeats especially at slower speeds whereas the Boonar tended to get a whiny oscillation happening.
      Where the Boonar excelled was with the swell switch and especially with the multihead selection interface: while the multiheads sounded as good with the Echorec, having a knob with no detents that doesn’t immediately indicate which heads are activated was a bit frustrating. Plus the Boonar allows for 16 head combinations as opposed to the Echorec’s 12. I personally found Catalinbread’s customer service to be significantly better: while they answered any email questions very quickly and helpfully and even spent 20 minutes with me on the phone resolving an issue, I found Dawner Prince to be cagey and elusive and even at times totally unresponsive. In fairness this may be due to their being a far smaller operation than Catalinbread.
      I agree they’re both excellent delays (not too surprising as they use the exact same chip with excellent analog preamps and tone shaping) but if I had to choose one, the Echorec would have the slightest of advantages for me.

      Finally if you read through the comments you will see a fair bit of hostility expressed towards Catalinbread because they refused to send Bjorn a unit to demo, which may contribute to this sense that the Boonar is the favourite here.

  86. Hey Bjorn… I recently purchased a Providence chrono delay and if you haven’t had the opportunity to play through one you definitely need to. This pedal almost immediately brought my sound “much” into Davids realm. I don’t know if it’s the vitalizer circuit. You’ll understand when you try it. I really can’t put the tone change into words. It does color the sound… but to the color I love🎸😎🎸

  87. Hi Bjørn
    I had some questions on a rig revise. I want to reset up my complete rig again and look to your advise. I had hoped to emulate Gilmour but gave up. Instead I want a hybrid gilmouresque ( more Doyle Bramhalll II Live tone) and some real U2 delay with maybe a touch Andy Summers from the police. For some reason I see these mixing well? I want to go small pedals, not necessarily boutique pedal board. I have 2 fender strats and one tele with humbucker in neck. I will be using a Blackface Fender Princeton with 12” speaker.
    As for pedals, suggestions on UniVibe, muff, delay, wah pedal, chorus, good germanium fuzz, and a good overdrive? Sorry a lot, but you’ve always steered me good.

    Pedals I have: ad999 (too dark), cs505 (bulky not that good with my set up), a vintage Wilson Wah (it’s just tooo crazy!?), a modded TS9 (keeper?), and a muff I built that I never liked.

    I was interested in your suggestions for the Electro Harmonix small green muff, and maybe a Jetter vibe? I’m thinking of an overhaul. Thanks again for any direction!!

    1. Hi Joseph, sorry for my late reply. The Princeton can handle most pedals but I would go for something versatile since you want to cover a lot of ground and, the amp would need something with a bit of compression and mid range. I always recommend pedals like the OCD because you can do so much with these. I recommend that you read this feature for some tips on how to choose the right pedals for your amp and the buyer’s gear guides for some tips on different pedals.

  88. Dam I love this website. One trouble I’m having getting lead delays near Dave’s is pick attack. Any ideas on smoothing out the transients on the repeats? So they sound more soaring and fluid

    1. Not sure I understand the question. Are you looking for more attack or less? Are you talking about the attack in the delay repeats?

  89. Hey Bjorn,

    I use a Fender Rampart, I don’t have reverb in my amp but I got some really nice tube sounding.

    When I play in my small bedroom I really feel a lack of ambience. I like mxr m300 for exemple but I don’t want to spend a lot of money. can you tell me any cheaper reliable options? I like mostly Spring / hall / Plate and Modulate for fun.

    Keep up the good work ; )

  90. Hi Bjorn,
    Have you tried the Xvive Memory Delay at all. They get mixed reviews. I read comments from Howard Davis, who designed or at least had a fair amount of input into the Xvive Delay, saying it was better than the original EHX memory man series. As he was the designer of the Memory Man as well, he should know. There are other reviews/comments against this, so I would value your opinion. The pedals are dirt cheap at the moment, around the $100 mark.

  91. Hi Bjorn, i have the Boonar for a delay which is great. Normally i’ll just use delay and no reverb, but for songs like shine on i find adding reverb gives me a better tone . At the moment i’m just using the reverb on my amp a laney l5 so its a digital reverb the signal path for shine on would be guitar-cali 76-modded bd2- boonar-amp. i was wondering because i saw the hall of fame on your pedal board if this would give me a better reverb effect than the lanay l5 . Thanks

    1. I’m using the HOF for creating pads with a long hall reverb combined with lots of other effects. I’ve written a feature about reverb that I recommend checking out, The HOF is great and with the toneprint feature you can pretty much create any tone you need.

      1. Thanks for reply. i just read your reverb article very interesting. i think i will try out the hof. i’m a little weary of digital pedals because sometimes you can spend more time fiddling with the effect than playing guitar but i have heard a lot of good things about this pedal. thanks again for the help

  92. How does the T-rex Reptile 2 compare to the Replica and how is it overall? I have a line on one for pretty cheap.

    1. They sound very similar. The Replica is perhaps a bit warmer and more dynamic but the Reptile is definitely worth checking out.

      1. Thanks man. This is without a doubt the best place to go, for not just Gilmour questions, but gear, especially pedal, questions in general. Thank you

  93. Hi Bjorn I wanted to say thank you for all the work you put into this site it’s amazing. I wanted to ask if you had any experience with the boss DD500 delay, if this would be a good option for Gilmour tones.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I’ve tried it only briefly and you got pretty much what you need in a single pedal. It can easily cover most of David’s delay tones.

  94. Hello,bjorn
    Is there a difference in tone between tape mode on strymon timeline and El capistan? What do you prefer?


      1. Gianluca Quartulli

        In timeline the first repeat in tape mode is clearer than the one on El Cap. You can’t get that “dark” on the timeline. So if you identify warm=dark, than the sound of the El Cap is warmer.

  95. Hey, it’s been a couple of years since I got a Catalinbread Belle Epoch and I’d like to say it sounds really great for gilmour’s echo tones but recently I aquired the EHX Green Russian Muff and the preamp of the belle epoch just kinda saturates a lot and sounds like a fart with it. Has anybody solved this issue with the belle epoch? I really like the tone of the belle epoch alone so I’d prefer to keep ir. What would you recommend Bjorn? Cheers and Thanks for the time and all the help all along these years

    1. I don’t own the Belle myself but the preamp will add a bit of mid range and compression, which can make Muffs choke up a bit.

    2. You could try running the Belle at 18v to increase its headroom, and/or opening it up and turning down the gain a bit. Or else just get the Belle Epoch Deluxe which has its preamp running at 22v and is an even more wonderful delay overall.

      1. Thanks, I’ll try the 18v mode!! Actually I had the gain to the minimum but I turned it up a little bit and I think now it sounds better. Still, I’ll try to run it in 18v as it tends to distort too fast with humbuckers, thanks bro!

  96. Hey Bjørn

    I know it’s asking a lot, but would you be prepared to make some sort of tutorial showing how to set up various delay timings? Or even just pictures of the necessary settings for these timings on the popular pedals?

    As I say, I know it’s a lot to ask so I totally understand if you don’t want to do it!

    1. Good idea. I don’t own all the pedals listed here but time settings applies to all pedals. I’ll put it on the to-do list :)

  97. Hey Bjorn, on 5AM, live, (both on Pompeii and boots) David was able to create a nice smooth delay without any feedback. It’s just a simple fade out of the note played. I have tried to reproduce that without success. The best I’ve been able to achieve is 1 repeat. Do you know how he accomplished this? As always thanks for your input!

    1. It’s a combination of using the right effects and volume. If you listen closely, you’ll hear that he’s using a lot of compression on that track, which will add to the sustain and, he’s playing very loud. There’s definitely feedback on the live version but he’s using that feedback to sustain the tones not to actually have the feedback ring between the tones.

      1. Thanks Bjorn. I do have exactly that type of setup in my signal chain. I actually use compression in almost everything I do. In this case I’ve tried a tube compressor but settled on a compressor/sustainer with a small amount of overdrive with a tube driver. I also typically use 2 types of delay. Analog with a lower time set and feedback and digital with a higher time set and feedback. I’ve really tried a lot of various settings including volume controls from various sources but couldn’t get rid of the ring. I finally just lowered the mix of both delays to have a slightly drier signal which has seemed to help with the ring but hasn’t hurt my sustain. Does that sound like the right tweak to you? Is there anything else you would try? Thanks

        1. I think what David master so perfectly is to use delay and feedback to create sustain. Some of his delays are obviously more effects but he’s also using longer delays with low mix to sustain the notes so yes, that would make sense. And, as I said, loud volume does the trick :)

  98. Hi Bjorn,
    I see it has almost been two years since someone has asked you if you tried the strymon Dig. Just wondering if you had a chance to play it yet and your thoughts if you have? I have the dawner prince boonar so I don’t need any other types of delay except digital delay. I have had the nova delay for years and looking for something new. Personally don’t care for all in one packages just looking for info on the strymon dig and another other digital delay pedal only you might recommend. Thanks

  99. Hey Bjorn like everyone else I’m eternally grateful for your time and dedication to this site. So I have the dawned prince boonar (probably the best pedal I have bought .. ever) so I just want to get a digital delay pedal. I don’t need an all in one pedal just a digital delay. I have had the tc electronics nova for years but ready for something new. I was wondering if you have tried the strymon dig? It seems like it should be good I just know strymon is always known for making ambient type pedals and just wanted to see if this pedal would work for that gilmourish type sound. It doesn’t have to nail his tone as I have been cultivating my own sound but I like to know that I can still get somewhat close. Thanks buddy

    1. I haven’t had the chance to try the DIG so I can’t really comment on that. Strymon has never disapointed me but again, I haven’t tried it. I think the best value digital delay out there is the TC Flashback. Either the standard or the mini. With the Tone Print editor and studio quality sounds it’s hard to beat.

  100. Hey Bjorn, thanks for everything you do!

    Quick question:

    What would be your choice between TC Electronics Nova Delay and TC Electronics Flashback?

    I like the TC Electronics Flashback but in “Gilmour in a Box” guide you went for TC Electronics Nova. Now I can’t make up my mind.


      1. Wow that was fast! Thank you so much Bjorn.

        I’m from Argentina and I can’t even get the Nova in here. The flashback is available but just too expensive. I actually have to ask a friend to ship it from the US but I wouldn’t want to do it without your blessing.

        Money is not that big of an issue but I just want what probably most of us want. The definitive pedal. So far I’m going for:

        Big Muff: Vick Audio 73 Ram’s Head
        Compressor: MXR Custom Shop Dyna Comp ’76 reissue
        Phaser: MXR 1974 CS script reissue Phase 90
        Delay TC Electronics Flashback

        The tricky part is that these have to be on amazon. I can’t ask my friend to like start an expedition to find me some pedals LOL

        Well anyways, love your reviews. Keep it up <3

      2. hi Bjorn, thanks for an incredible site! so much great information. I’m a casual bedroom player at best and work alot. Does anyone have specific details and bank settings to cover pink and put into the nova delay as saves?? thanks-Paul

  101. Hey Bjorn, is it possible to use a line6 pod hd500 in the fx loop (send/return) only for delay and reverb and put the distortion into the normal Input of the amp? :)

  102. Hey bjorn. I have been a fan yours for years. I love your new recording and all airbag recordings. I just bought a strymon timeline. Awsome sounding unit. Would the dual Mose with dotted eighth notes on about 550 ms be right to get run lik e hell sound.

    Cheers, David

    1. I don’t have much experience with it. The reviews I’ve seen sound promising but something about the size and design puts me off…

  103. Hey Bjorn I was just wondering if you had the chance to try the new updated version of the TC Electronic Flashback 2? I’m very curious if it’s worth selling my original flashback for the new one. Help me decide man haha!

    1. Just watch the latest “That Pedal Show” episode featuring the new TC Electronic products and you will know… ;) I have a Flashback, but the stuff you can do with the Mesh function is phenomenal, so I want the Flashback 2 ASAP :D

  104. Márcio Gasparin

    Hi, Bjorn what do you tell me about the electro harmonix canyon for the sound of Gilmour? Thank you.

    1. I haven’t tried it but it’s got both digital delay and a Memory Man analog delay mode, as well as a bunch of other stuff so I think it should cover the basic tones very well.

    1. Well worth checking out. It’s got most of the features found on the old Echorec 2 and you can nail pretty much all of David’s early 70s echo tones with it. I do prefer the Boonar from Dawner Prince though. It’s got all of the features, a beautiful pre-amp and modulation and the repeats are more pristine and reverb-like, as the old Binson.

  105. Hi Bjorn,
    I love your site and appreciate everything you do! I’m having issues trying to lock down some exact delay settings including run like he’ll etc… I have a nova delay, dd2, 3, and 7, echorec, and more. Do you know a place I can go to get a few good presets for my nova delay? Including how to get that good run like hell delay sound?
    Chris Jones
    Feel free to email me privately if you want to.

  106. Skyler Diamond

    Hi Bjorn, I was hoping you could recommend me a delay pedal that does a great job replicating gilmours digital delay sound like on time, budget aside. (just not to pricey) I am in the market for a delay pedal and am stumped looking for help. I have checked out almost all of the pedals listed but I can’t land on which one I want to buy.
    Hopefully you can help. Thanks.

  107. I’m having such a hard time deciding between the el cap and boonar! I like that the el cap has tap tempo, but the boonar is such an exact replication of the echorec it’s very tempting. I have 2 other strymon pedals and would like to keep the company loyalty going cause it would look good on the board but I like diversity too. Tape bias is good but doesn’t the boonar have a pre drive knobby on the side?!

    1. Yes it does and it works really nice. There’s also a mini switch for adjusting the modulation. The El Capistan probably cover more ground but if you want the full Binson experience, then the Boonar is hard to beat.

  108. I suppose you’ve heard by now, but Robert Keeley has issued the Echoes delay. It’s based on the delay section of his Dark Side pedal, but with some modulation added.

  109. Hi Bjorn, Great info, love this site, just found it today. I use the Ibanez ES2 and the Strymon timeline and love them both. I am looking at the Jam Pedal delay llama plus now. Do you have any feedback on that pedal? Thanks again.

    1. Hi! Welcome to the site! The Delay Lama, and pretty much everything from Jam Pedals, sound great and it’s a very popular analog delay pedal. The tone is somewhat similar to the MXR Carbon Copy, although slightly brighter. Kind of a mix between the Carbon and the Echoplex.

  110. Hi, Bjorn!

    I recently ordered my pedals, and this will be their chain:

    American Standard Stratocaster -> Phase 90 EVH -> RAT 2 -> Tree of Life -> MXR Analog Chorus -> Eleclady -> Flashback -> Fender Frontman 25R (for now)

    Do you think that’s a solid setup? Would you change the order? And which amps do you think would be great to blend with these pedals?

    Thanks a lot for all the help you give in this site!

  111. Hey Bjorn! I’m on the verge of purchasing a tc nova delay. I was just curious on how well it can do a faux echorec or tape style delay? Compared to a stand-alone echorec based pedal, this has all the features I would ever need for any situation.

    1. It can do a fairly good job but you might want to look into the Flashbacks or the Strymon Timeline, which gives you all of the patches and storing options and probably a more convicing Binson tone.

    1. Basically because all the pedals I’ve listed sounds great. Depending on what sort pedal and tones you need, you could go with any of these.

  112. Alessandro Borges Cordeiro

    Hi Bjorn, greetings from Brazil! Are you tested the MXR Echoplex? What you think about it? Between the MXR Echoplex and the MXR Carbon Copy, wich is the best choice?
    Congratulations for the great site!!!

  113. What do you think about the Skreddy echo, it sounds great me, do you think it would be good for early David Gilmour stuff like 60s and 70s era. Thanks

    1. I haven’t tried it so I can’t really tell but I would imagine it fits those tones perfectly :)

  114. Hello Bjorn!
    I recently got my hands on a second hand T-Rex Replica for less than half the price of a new one, everything is fully functional so it was a real bargain!
    What are your usual settings on it, including the use (or not) of the brown and subdivision switches? I’m looking for a classic DG/PF tone, so something around 300ms, and eventually send the signal to a longer digital delay (700ms) to have a fatter sound when soloing (something you do too I think).


    1. Hi Alexis! I usually have mine set at around 310ms, which is the maximum time of the old Binson Echorec David used. Try this:
      echo 6, repeat 7, level 9 (unity gain) and tempo 6. These are all referring to the dots.

  115. Someone has probably mentioned it, but the Echosex 2 doesn’t have a ‘fully analog signal path’. Despite their claims on their website, the delay is created by digital pt2399 chips. I actually got into a discussion with the builder on a forum- he argued that since ‘only’ the delay line is digital and the rest of the signal path is analog, it wasn’t misleading to claim a fully analog signal path. I said that would be like saying that, since ‘only’ the patty is meat and the rest of it is grains and veggies, it’s not misleading to call a hamburger vegetarian.

  116. Hi Bjorn,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as I’m a delay freak… i love it, and have been chasing Davids delay settings etc for years. I’ve also read with interest your section on The Wall , and noticed that you’ve said David used 2 Boss DD2 delays during the recording of Run Like Hell. I believe this is incorrect as back in 1978/79 when they were recording The Wall Boss hadn’t yet invented the compact Digital Delay, and had only just released the DM1, which was an analogue delay, and not capable of reproducing the delays heard on Run Like Hell. I believe in the studio Gilmour used 2 MXR digital rack delays for Run Like Hell set at different delay times.

    The Boss DD2 wasn’t released until 1983, after The Wall tour finished, and 5 years after the recording of The Wall album. I do however believe he used the DD2 on his about face tour in the new Boss SCC-700 pedal board. you can read about the history of Boss digital delays here….. It makes for interesting reading

    1. Hi Andy, you’re absolutely right. I did a lot of copy paste when I wrote those album guides and I see that I copied the information from the About Face tour. I’m a huge fan of the DD2 and know the history and yes, it wasnt’ available at the time they recorded the album. Thanks again!

  117. Thanks for the detailed appraisals. I’m not doing Floyd, but love the Binson sound, and want to add it to my setup – so you’ve been very helpful in deciding which machine to buy for this.
    I’d been looking at the Catalinabread Echorec online, but since they don’t value it highly enough themselves to put it up against the other pedals reviewed here, I guess that’s one I’m not interested in either…
    I think it’s gonna be the Alter Ego V2 I go for.

    1. ‘I’d been looking at the Catalinabread Echorec online, but since they don’t value it highly enough themselves to put it up against the other pedals reviewed here, I guess that’s one I’m not interested in either…’ Your loss. It’s one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed pedals of this decade, used by legends like Eric Johnson and Andy Summers, so I’m sure Catalinbread have nothing to prove regarding its value.

  118. I apologize if this has been asked/answered…..any thoughts on trex replicator tape delay and/or the full tone tube tape echo? I’m interested in actuall tape echoes and there use in a gilmour type rig. Also just a thought, wouldn’t it be better to have the newest comments first? Or is it better to have them last so people see if there questions have already been asked? Thanks man, you do an amazing service here.- josh j

    1. I don’t have any experience with the new tape delays so I can’t really comment on that. On a general note, tape delays or echo machines often produce a much more organic sound, warmer repeats and a more natural sounding flutter/modulation. They can be a real hassle to carry around if you tour a lot but great fun if you don’t mind or mostly are using them at home/studio. There are lots of great sounding simulations out there as well, like the Dawner Prince Boonar, Gurus Amps Echosex, Strymon El Capistan etc.
      Thanks for the tip regarding the comments. I never really considered that :) It’s done…

      1. Wow you really did it! The comment thing I mean, your a chill dude my friend. I hope if you ever try any of the tape delays I mentioned, you’ll do a couple reviews, also, I’m sure you’ve seen the trex exhorec replica, I love that companies are making these things. I would like to say aside from airbag and your solo stuff(I track lullabies in a car crash once a week on vinyl, just chill and get inspired), you could make a ton of money writing Pink Floyd tabs and doing video lessons to go along with them, like the obscure stuff…I’ve yet to find a tab video/transcript of SHine on from delicate sound of thunder, or learning to fly. Don’t get me wrong I love to learn to play the album versions, but your a master at playing those awesome live versions. I think you’ve told me a couple years ago that you have no interest in doing the tab/lesson thing. I’ll just have to stop being lazy and work out the arrangements on my own lol. Great work man, thanks for what you do. Oh and I’m gonna pick up the boonar, screw Catalinbread, they can keep there dumb pedals, and they need to take it easy on the modulation. Modulation alone does not make a good echo clo’mm

      2. Thanks for your reply. Would you say it’s easier to figure out the controls/dial in tone on the boonar or the echosex?

        1. Well, the Echosex has less controls so I guess it’s easier to figure out but the Boonar is pretty easy to figure out too. I wouldn’t worry :)

  119. Thanks Bjorn,
    I checked out the demo for your upcoming album. Sounds awesome. Keep on Rockin 🎸😎🎸

  120. Hey Bjorn, have you any experience or opinion on the source audio nemesiss delay ??? I have a nova and I’m looking to upgrade. Was gonna do the chrono until I saw the SA delay. What do you think ???

  121. Hi Bjorn!!!
    Congratulations for your excellent job , im a big fun of your site!!
    Recently i bought a MXR Carbon copy Delay in Order to achieve Animals tone.
    Can you tell me what settings can i use in order to achieve it , it seems to me a little bit difficult to tame it.

    Thank you very much for your help!!!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Delay pedal settings depends very much on how the amp and the other pedals that you use it with sounds. The more compression, mid range and gain your tone has, the less delay mix you want. Too much, and the delays will be all over the place. Like all analog delays, the Carbon is fairly dark so if that’s an issue, you might want to consider a different pedal. Time-wise, David mainly used the Binson, which had 310ms and the MXR rack, which had 440ms. I don’t remember how that applies to the Carbon but try setting up a digital delay on your computure with Garageband or similar and dial it in.

  122. Hi Bjorn!
    Did you try or hear anything about the new TC Electronic delays, the Prophet and the Echobrain? Both are priced to sell at $50 each, but are they any good?

    1. I haven’t had the chance to check them out yet. I heard some rumors that they were based on older Behringer specs but I might be mistaken. The reviews I’ve heard are promising.

  123. Hi Bjorn,

    Just tired an echosex 2 today. I was pretty impressed on how it kept my core guitar tone intact, especially the low end. Only other delay pedal I have that does that is the big moogerfooger. And the echosex is on top of that even quieter noise wise. Problem is though, the repeats on the echosex sounded a bit “soft” to my ears, even with the treble dialed up full. It was as if they didn’t decay in a very percussive way. How would the boonar differ regarding these trails and also regarding keeping my core tone sounding big and absolutely unaltered?

    I do hate the awkward non standard size of the boonar though… :(



    1. The Boonar is more true to the Binson. Obviously, it’s got all the features but the overall tone is also closer, with a brighter decay and more attack or percussion. The Echosex is perhaps closer to the Memory Man, which although has much of that big spaceous tone, is really more like a conventional analog delay, with darker repeats and decay. It’s just two different pedals.

  124. Dominique Dubourg

    Hello Bjorn,

    I want to change my TC FlashBack X3 by a
    Free The Tone Flight Time Digital Delay FT-1Y
    It displays the settings, which I miss on my
    Do you have any feedback on this Delay pedal?
    thank you in advance for your help



    1. I haven’t tried it myself but all the reviews I’ve seen are very positive. As you may know, David also used two of these on the last tour.

  125. Hi! I bought a Boss DD-3. Can you help me, how I setup the right delay time and feedback on Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 and the Wall – Delicate (370 ms) era? Just the o’cloks of the knobs. Thanks!

    1. I don’t have a DD3 so I can’t help you with the specific settings but set up a delay time in a music editing software, if you have one, or download a free version of a guitar effects software. This way you can make signature settings for all of your delay tones and just match them with the pedal. Btw, Wall is 440ms :)

  126. For David’s tones during the 70s, would you recommend an analog delay (I have the Jam Pedals Delay Llama in mind) or a tape delay (the El Capistan)? I’m trying to decide which one of the two to buy along with the TC Flashback for his digital sounds. Thanks!

    1. He did use tape, so the El Capistan and similar, would be the most authentic. Tape and oil can delays have a brighter tone, with that tape modulation or flutter. Analog delay, are darker, often with a slightly distorted decay.

  127. I have been using DD-2 and Memory Man Deluxe since they’ve been making them. ( WEM copy cat before that)
    A really ok delay for little money is the Digitech Digidelay, often available for less than $50 on eBay or reverb.
    It has analog tone, reverse delay, and a stereo modulated delay that really works well.
    I also got a Catalinbread Echorec, and it is dreamy. Worth the money. $230

  128. Hi Bjorn, today I was in a recording studio and just happened to see an MXR Delay system I(double rack) from the 80s like Gilmour used in the mid 80s. Have you ever played though this unit? Is it worth checking out. The guy is willing to sell it. Always thankful of your feedback… So again, thanks for keeping the floyd nation alive. Denis, Florida USA.

    1. Hi Denis! Terribly sorry for my late reply. I’ve never played one actually. I hope I can one day but they’re hard to come by in this corner of the world. Hard to tell whether David’still using one out of habit or if it sounds good (well, I assume it does but you know…). From what I’ve heard, it has an analog vibe to it but it’s fairly pristine and you can dial in accurate time settings. A bit noisy but it depends on how it’s been taken care of.

  129. Jefferson Oliveira

    I totally agree with you Bjorn. I also already had problems with Catalinbread pedal, and also was not answered by email. There was no response from them. Also do not buy any products from them due to lack of attention to the customer.

    1. Are you sure they got your email? I’ve had nothing but stellar service from them. Erksin answers even my dumbest inquiries within a day if not hours, and on 2 occasions he had me call him at home on his day off to run me through some questions I had with their pedals. Way above and beyond what is expected.

  130. Hey Bjorn,

    Thoughts on the Boss DD-500? Seems to be a cost-effective alternative to the Strymon Timeline – weighted more toward DG’s more “digital” delay-based 80s/90s/present tones than earlier, analog tones.


  131. Hi bjorn on the boonar delay i change the trimpots setting theme to vintage and when my pedal is not on there is no sound coming from my amp i get soumd when its turned on is this normal thanks

  132. Bjorn or anyone out there, can you please advise me on how to get the right DG delay settings for the TC Electronic Flashback X4, similar to the Flashback delay; pictures would be a plus? Thank you everyone in advance for the help and suggestions! Take care everyone!


  133. I have El Capistain, Carbon Copy and Echorec Catalimbread ! But after i read your coment I bought a T Rex Replica and put it in the place of the Carbon Copy.
    Fantastic delay !! Thank you.

    Ps. I also bought a R Comp ( Vick Audio ) and it is the best compressor side by side with my Cali 76 CD. Thank’s

  134. I have a technical query about the Whammy pedal: it seems on recordings/live that, when David uses the Whammy pedal, it plays only the pitch shifted note, and doesn’t play the dry on top of that; I’ve recenetly purchased a WH-1 Whammy pedal, and no matter what setting I put it on, the dry signal always plays on top of the shifted note; what am I doing wrong? Am I just hearing the track wrong? If anyone with experience with Digitech whammy’s could help me out I would greatly appreciate it

    1. Thanks! It’s been awhile since that show but for the first solo, I think I used the Dunlop RotoVibe, into a BK Tube Driver with delay. For the last solo, I used the Pig Hoof into a Top Tone Shine Boost and delay.

  135. Hi Bjorn!
    If you had to choose between a T-Rex Replica and a Strymon El Capistan to replicate David’s 70s tones but also just to have a high class analog delay, which one would you pick? I’m torn between what analog pedal to get. The thing is my main goal is to be able to get close to Gilmour’s tones from the 70s but at the same time I want an analog delay that I can use to define my own sound as well (hence there being no mention of an Echorec clone). They both seem like brilliant pedals so I wanted to get your take on them. Of course, if there is a better option for what I’m trying to achieve, I’m all ears :). Thank you very much! Have a nice summer!

    1. The El Capistan is no doubt a more versatile unit, with more features and tones. The Replica has a lush organic tone and is hard to beat but again, the El Capistan is probably a better buy.

  136. Daniel Greenwood

    Hey Bjorn may have a chance to get either a echosex or a boonar? Which one did you prefer and which is more pleasing to look at? I must admit the boonar looks scary, while the echosex looks lovely.

    Side note – next time I’m in oslo, il bring you some pedals to try :-)

    1. Hi Daniel! Let’s put it this way… The Boonar for features and that full Binson experience. The Echosex for a lush and organic sounding tape echo :)

  137. Regarding long tail without hearing repeats I found it is partially created by the effect of reducing the attack and beefing up the tone body by using compressor and overdrive as well. Also setting up two delays in series one with double time of the other one helps stretch the tail at low delay volume that keeps repeats of attacks less audible. Also at proper delay time playing style can make a difference too.

  138. Effectrode’s Phil Taylor has been known to leave disparaging remarks on demos of competitor’s products. Plus it’s kind of ironic that he’s spent years and years working on this Echorec sim, trying to perfectly duplicate the Binson sound while dissing the great efforts of others, and then putting such inauthentic features as tap tempo on it. It will be horribly overpriced but still bought up by all the KoolAid drinkers.

    1. Example? I’ve never seen Phil Taylor disparaging anything. He can be a bit sarcastic when explaining stuff but I haven’t seen him diss competitors.

      Can you provide me with links? I’ll be very interested to read about it.

    2. Any links to or proof of this “dissing”? I’ve dealt with Phil on a number of occasions and he has always been extremely amicable. I’m not calling you a liar, but it would be nice to have some evidence to back up your claims. I will agree with you that the Echorec sim has taken far too long to develop but if it is a quality product, I for one, and I’m sure many of us here in the Gilmourish community, would be delighted to have one on our boards when it becomes available (and after Bjorn has reviewed it of course!).

      And as always Bjorn, your hard work here is very much appreciated! And congratulations on your amazing album!

  139. Hi Bjorn,
    I’m not sure if this question was already asked and if I’ll be able to make myself clear.
    Could you explain me how David or yourself achieve that big delay sound without much hearing the repeats?
    When dialing a delay that sounds good, I always tend to find hearing to much the repeats. Tonewise, just turning the repeats knob down doesn’t seem to work for reaching David’s delay sound.
    Thank you in advance,

    1. Delay is tricky because how it sounds, depends on the combination of how you’ve set the amp, what pedals you use with it and, obviously, how you’ve set the delay. An amp with lots of mid range and perhaps a hair breakup, can make a delay sound overwhelming and you might also hear that it bleeds out in your tones. Likewise, an amp with more headroom and less mid range, can allow the delay to blend in better. It also depends on what kind of delay you’re using. An analog delay, or tape simulation, will sound darker and may not work as well for David’s more pristine tones. The more digital, brighter sounding delays, like TC or Boss, will often blend easier for stuff that you need a spesific time setting etc. I often use analog delay or echo for the pre-Animals stuff and digital delay for Animals to present. David’s often using 6-7 repeats and less volume than you might think.

      1. Hi Bjorn,

        I would also like to add that David Gilmour likes to set his delay timing with the beat of the song along with your explanation.

        So Matthias, when you say you hear a big delay sound without hearing the repeats much, a lot of it is because the repeats are being ‘hidden’ or blending in with the beat. There are resources out there that can show you how to set your delay timings with the bpm of a song.

        1. Good point. Although he often use the typical tape settings, such as 300bpm or slapback aprox 120bpm for the early stuff, he often either use tap or 8s. Stuff like Comf Numb, Sorrow and the more epic stuff, often has 700-750ms, which will create a lot of space and rather a more sustained character, than a typical delay.

  140. HI Bjorn, As always a big thanks to keeping your gear sections current and providing great insights into options to capture David’s tone! Per your recommendation I just picked up an Echosex 2 limited Edition Delay. I couldn’t be happier with the clarity and warmth of this delay. As you stated, one gets the analog warmth without the dark character that is inherent with many other analog delays. I also picked up a Providence Chrono at the same time and am really impressed with this delay as well. They both complement each other and I feel I have David’s repertoire covered very well now. Probably the best feature of both is their simplicity of operation. I don’t have a lot of time to spend figuring new pedals out or fussing with them. I really appreciate a well designed and intuitive effec and both fit the bill nicely. The Rattle that Lock tour photos help me dial in the Chrono just right, so it was super helpful. Thanks again for all you do! Rob

  141. Hi Bjorn! Great updates for 2016. I really enjoyed the new compressor guide.
    You’ve probably heard about this already, but it’s news to me.

    I’m going to start saving up to buy two of them.
    I’ve been wanting someone to make a tap-tempo Echorec inspired pedal for years, and the fact that Effectrode is doing it means it’ll be in a class all of its own.
    Hopefully it’ll be released and ready to make the 2017 buyers gear guide. :)
