The Buyer’s Gear Guide – Modulation

Modulation effects are the colouring on your pedalboard. They can be used to add subtle textures and character or to create wild and unique tones. In this guide we’ll look at a handful of chorus, flangers, phasers, Uni-Vibes and rotary effects, with David Gilmour’s tones in mind.

Updated March 2023

Modulating a guitar tone is an old trick. Back in the early days of studio trickery, setting up two tape recorders and slowing one of them down, would create flanging.

When the tape and machinery on the old echo machines would wear down, it would create a subtle modulation. The more the unit was in need of maintenance, the more pronounced the flutter or warble effect would get.

The phaser pedal appeared in the early 70s with Oberheim, Maestro and MXR among others. By the mid and late 70s, companies like Electro Harmonix and Roland/Boss had also created the first flanger and chorus pedals.

David Gilmour and modulation

David Gilmour has been using rotating speaker cabinets since late 1968. Both in the studio for recording and as part of his stage rig. They’re used for texture, always on and ,mixed in lower than the main amps, rather than a specific effect.

The Uni-Vibe and phaser dominated his tones during the 1972-75 Dark Side of the Moon era, while the Electric Mistress flanger was an important ingredient of his Animals, The Wall and Final Cut tones.

Like most guitarists at the time, David was an avid user of chorus in the 80s and 90s. He would use it both as a stand alone mono pedal and for creating a stereo spread with his stage rig.

See the David Gilmour gear guide for a detailed setup for each album and tour.

Modulation on the pedalboard

Modulation effects are typically placed between gain effects and delays. David Gilmour usually has his Uni-Vibes, phasers, flangers and chorus after his overdrives and fuzz pedals, with the rotary cabinets last, along with the main amps.

Personally I find that phasers and Uni-Vibes sound better when they’re placed in front of gain effects. I keep flangers and chorus after. Experiment and find your tone!

I have played and tested each pedal in this guide, with guitars and amps that are typically associated with David Gilmour.


David Gilmour used the Electro Harmonix 18V Electric Mistress between 1977-83 and again on the 2015-16 Rattle That Lock tour. The mid 70s Electric Mistress is recognised by its bright and liquidy character that’s perhaps closer to a chorus rather than the typical jet-like flanger.

The original mid to late 70s Electric Mistress is easy to track down but it will cost you. Like those old Big Muffs, the Electric Mistress tend to suffer from bad quality control and the normal wear of old parts. These units also lacked a noise filter, which resulted in a very noisy circuit and they have a nasty volume drop when engaged. Unless you’re really looking for that special unit for your collection, I strongly recommend checking out some of the excellent clones.

The bigger box Deluxe Electric Mistress appeared in the late 70s. This one has a slightly different character that’s somewhere between the chorusy smaller box version and the typical Van Halen MXR jet-like flanger. Mind that newer big box reissues and the XO reissue are much darker sounding and not something I’d recommend.

Past FX Elastic Mattress Flanger
The Elastic Mattress is probably as close as you’ll ever get to the sound and character of an original mid 70s 18V Electric Mistress. It has that liquidy almost chorus-like tone, with a shimmering top and a lovely swirl underneath. Unlike the original though, the Elastic Mattress is quiet and an onboard level control allows you to set the effect level to match your pickups and amp. There’s also trim pots and additional controls for fine tuning the flanging and brightness. See my review of the Elastic Mattress here.

Gilmour tones: Animals – The Final Cut / Rattle That Lock

Retro Sonic Flanger
Retro Sonic’s Flanger is an excellent clone of the mid 70s 18V Electric Mistress. There’s really not a huge difference between this one and the Elastic Mattress. They both provide the unique character of the original, with the much needed upgrades. Including a silent circuit and no volume drop. The Flanger is a tad darker, with a slight roll off in the upper frequencies, which will suit brighter pickups and amps. See my full review of the Retro Sonic Flanger here.

Gilmour tones: Animals – The Final Cut / Rattle That Lock

Mooer E-Lady
The E-Lady was one of the first clones of the Electric Mistress to hit the market and it’s still one of my favourites. Compared to the Elastic Mattress and Flanger, the E-Lady is closer to the late 70s and 80s Deluxe Electric Mistress, with a slightly darker tone and more of that jet-like flanging. An excellent and budget friendly alternative for your David Gilmour tones.

Gilmour tones: Animals – The Final Cut / Rattle That Lock


David Gilmour mainly used the Boss CE-2 in the 80s and 90s for chorus tones. The CE-2 has a subtle character compared to some of the more modern chorus pedals.

The Boss CE-5 and also the MXR Analog Chorus, which is based on the CE-5, are good alternatives to the CE-2 and they also produce convincing rotary sounds.

Boss CE-2
The classic CE-2 has a subtle chorus effect typical of the 80s. It’s fairly dark, with a bit of mid range that blends well with most pickups, amps and other pedals. Boss recently re-released the CE-2 as part of their Waza line, which offer both the original CE-2 circuit and the slightly brighter sounding CE-1.

Gilmour tones: About Face – PULSE

Electro Harmonix Small Clone
The Small Clone is very similar to the CE-2, with a slightly darker tone and perhaps a slightly more noticeable chorus character. A classic in its own right that was made famous by many grunge guitarists in the early 90s. The original Small Clone has a nasty volume drop that’s fixed with the Nano version.

Gilmour tones: About Face – PULSE

Jam Pedals Waterfall
The Waterfall is based on the Boss CE-2, with a bit more open tone and less mid range. Additional controls allows you to tweak the chorus from anything between subtle CE-2 to convincing rotary and some pretty wild tones. Well worth checking out for both David Gilmour’s 80s and 90s tones and some more unusual textures.

Gilmour tones: About Face – PULSE

Mooer Ensemble King
Based on the Boss CE-2 the Ensemble King feature the MN3007 chip for warm analog tones. Compared to the CE-2 this one’s got an overall warmer tone but also a bit more mid range. An additional level control allows you to dial in just the right amount of chorus for your tones. An excellent budget alternative.

Gilmour tones: About Face – PULSE


David Gilmour used the MXR Phase 90 in 1974-75. Most notably for the recording of Shine on You Crazy Diamond and Have a Cigar. The 4-stage phaser has much of the same qualities as the Uni-Vibe and could be used for songs like Breathe and Time.

MXR Phase 90 script logo
The script logo Phase 90 is a true replica of the mid 70s model, with the same thick creamy character made famous by so many, including Eddie Van Halen and David Gilmour. The script model is available as both a faithful reissue of the 1974 model and one with modern led and power input. Both more or less identical sound wise.

Gilmour tones: Dark Side of the Moon – Wish You Were Here

The MXR block logo Phase has a slightly brighter tone, with more mid range and a slight volume boost. It is not as smooth and vintage sounding as the script logo and not something I’d recommend for David Gilmour’s tones.

Electro Harmonix Small Stone
The Small Stone is just as legendary and classic as the Phase 90. Favoured by keyboard players in particular, the Small Stone has a slightly smoother character and a less pronounced phasing or sweep. The original Small Stone had a nasty volume drop but this is fixed with the Nano version.

Gilmour tones: Dark Side of the Moon – Wish You Were Here


David Gilmour used a UniVox Uni-Vibe between 1972-75 and again from 1994 to present. For the latter period, a custom made rack unit made from an original circuit.

Although essential for that authentic Dark Side of the Moon swirl, the Uni-Vibe is perhaps a lesser important effect for David’s tones that easily can be replicated with a script logo Phase 90.

DryBell Vibe Machine V-3
The Vibe Machine is unique, with its custom 4 mini photo cell circuitry housed in a standard MXR style box. The pedal is packed with features, allowing you to tweak your Uni-Vibe tones to fit any type of pickups and amps. The V-3 has a more open character, with less mids and a bit more top end. Perhaps a slightly more modern sounding unit but it absolutely nails those classic tones. Whether it’s Hendrix, Trower or Gilmour. See my review of the DryBell Vibe Machine V-3 here.

Gilmour tones: Dark Side of the Moon

Electronic Orange Moon Vibe MkII
This classic four photo cell circuitry delivers everything from haunting lo-fi phasing to heavy throbbing rotary. In addition to the more familiar controls, the Moon Vibe also feature a Symmetry control that allows you to finely tune the pedal for different amps and pickups. This is a slightly darker Uni-Vibe, compared to some of the others, but this makes it even easier to blend with high gain fuzz and distortions. High praise! See my review of the Moon Vibe MkII here.

Gilmour tones: Dark Side of the Moon

MXR Uni-Vibe
MXR/Dunlop owns the rights to the original Uni-Vibe and they’ve managed to capture the iconic character and tone in this pedalboard friendly box. The Uni-Vibe deliver creamy texture on slow speed and deep throbbing tremolo at higher speeds. This is a slightly brighter sounding Uni-Vibe, at least compared to the Vibe Machine and Moon Vibe, but definitely worth checking out for those classic tones.

Gilmour tones: Dark Side of the Moon


David Gilmour used Leslie rotating speaker cabinets between 1968-75. These are recognised by their dry, woody character and a deep tremolo at higher speed. From 1977 Animals to present, David has used Yamaha RA200 cabinets and his custom designed Doppola speakers.

Compared to the Leslie, the Yamaha has a much more open character. Almost like a chorus. The custom Coppola speakers are somewhere in between, with a dry swirl but a bit of that ethereal chorus as well.

David would split the signal from his pedalboard into both the main amps and the rotary cabinet, with the rotary mixed lower than the amps, creating texture rather than using the rotary as a dominating effect.

Dawner Prince Pulse
The Pulse is a bold take on two rather unusual rotating speakers – The Maestro Rover and David Gilmour’s custom Doppolas. Both featured on Division Bell and Pulse. This isn’t your typical rotary pedal. Unlike the dry tremolo-like Leslie, the Pulse replicates the open and airy sounds of those two unique speakers. It’s kind of a chorus-flanger-rotary in one, with a subtle effect that adds a bit of texture and character to your tones. Truly impressive! See my review of the Dawner prince Pulse here.

Gilmour tones: Division Bell – Pulse

Strymon Lex
The Lex is in my opinion the most authentic sounding Leslie sim on the market. It has that dry, woody character and there are tons of controls and features allowing you to tailor the tone to match your pickups and amp. The recent updated version also feature an effect level control, allowing a bit of the guitar’s dry signal to shine through, which is exactly what you want for your David Gilmour tones. Perhaps not an obvious choice and certainly not fitting for those Animals, Wall and Pulse tones, but an excellent Leslie pedal and dead on those Dark Side of the Moon rotary tones.

Gilmour tones: Ummagumma – WYWH

Neo Instruments Micro Vent 122
The Ventilator, and the now smaller sized Micro Vent, has long been considered as the most authentic sounding rotary sim on the market. It may very well be. Even in mono, this unit has a wide and rich rotary character that captures all the sonics of a real Leslie cabinet. It’s not as dry sounding as the Lex but there’s a distinct deep tremolo on faster speed settings. The Vent also blends well with higher gain and fuzz pedals. See my review of the Neo Instruments Micro Vent 122 here.

Gilmour tones: Suitable for any era

Boss RT-20 Rotary Ensemble
The RT-20 was one of the very first rotary sims on the market and to be very honest it’s not a very good one. It sounds more like a very deep chorus but that’s exactly what you want for David’s Yamaha and Doppola tones of the late 70s and 90s. Two controls for controlling the effect level and amount allows you to dial in just the right amount of rotary that fits cleans and heavy gain equally well. Don’t let this old gem fool you!

Gilmour tones: Animals – Pulse

Did I miss something? Please use the comments field below and share your tips and recommendations!

964 thoughts on “The Buyer’s Gear Guide – Modulation”

  1. Hi Bjorn:

    Thanks for all the effort you have put into (and continue to) for this wonderful website. I play guitar in a PF tribute band called “Quiet Desperation” , and use this extensively. I am curious if you know of the specifications of the Doppolas- what size/ type speakers were used etc.? I am planning to build one or two for myself because the two builders of this (Taurus Electronic Design and Tolerance Sound) seem to have stopped / discontinued/ run out of business.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Don’t have much info on the Doppolas. Tehy were custom designed by Phil Taylor and Paul Leader prior to the Division Bell tour, inspired by the Maestro Rover units David used on the recording of the album. They had 6 inch 100w speakers. He had two Doppolas on stage, driven or powered by one STA 100w Hiwatt head each.

  2. Hey, if i have a hard time to get one of the rotary pedals that you listed above for the animals-the wall sound, would my best chance to come close to the sound, be to just use chorus because you said that the RT-20 has a very chorus-ish sound

    1. Yes, a chorus will provide some of the same effect. Mind though that chorus pedals are different. The Boss CE5 or the MXR Analog Chorus are good alternatives.

  3. Bjorn,

    I currently have a Boss RT-20. I’m wanting to upgrade to a pedal with a little smaller footprint, and something that sounds a little better than the RT-20. I’m torn between the strymon lex v2 and the dawner pulse. The neo micro vent is not off the table either, but I find myself leaning towards the strymon.

    What would you suggest is the best option? Should I just keep the RT-20? I currently have it setup after my tc hall of fame reverb, with one of the outputs from the reverb going to my laney cub head, and the other going to the rt-20, and that is run to a seperate amp, the superchamp x2 combo. I get a decent sound from this but can’t help wondering if I could do better.


    1. Based on how you’ve set up the amps and the RT20, I assume you’re replicating David’s dry/wet setup with the Hiwatts and rotary? In that case, it’s hard to beat the RT20. Keep in mind that the Yamaha cab he used during Animals and Wall and now on the present album and tour, has a very airy character much closer to a chorus. Between 69-75 he would use Leslie cabinets, which has more of that woody tremolo tone. In 94 he used custom designed Doppola speakers, which are closer to the Yamaha. The RT20 is a really shitty sounding rotary pedal but it’s probably the only that can come close to David’s Yamaha and Doppola tones. The Lex is a fantastic Leslie pedal but it doesn’t fit Animals/Wall/Pulse. The Neo is somewhere in between but I would stick to the RT20.

  4. I am stuck between getting the Jam Waterfall or Boss CE2w. I have the King Ensemble for years, but want something that does Gilmour and then some. Thought about the Pastfx Chorus Ensemble min MN3007. But I really cant find vids of anyone doing Gilmour with the Waterfall or Pastfx. Whats your go to chorus that does Gilmour and your own music. Also great album with The Centry of Self, I have it on repeat daily!

    1. Thank you!
      David used the Boss CE2 in the 80s and 90s. The Ensemble King is a great clone of the CE2 so you should be covered. The Waterfall is based on the CE2 but it expends on the circuit with different modifications. A great sounding alternative.

      1. Thanks. Found an analog CE5 I am going to try for a while. The tone shaping I hope gets some more versitle sounds out of it.

    1. It’s more of a Leslie simulator, with a dark woody tremolo sound. For David’s rotary sounds I would go for the Boss RT20 or the Dawner Pulse.

  5. Hi Bjorn.

    Is Gilmour utilizing an effects pedal on his new Between Two Points solo? I love that tone and can’t seem to replicate. It’s very prominent at the beginning of the solo. Thoughts?

    Thank you for sharing your talent and gifts with the world!

    1. From what I can hear, it appears to be a compressor, overdrive and a rotating speaker cabinet creating that modulation.

  6. I LOVE my CE-2W, thank you so much for the suggestion!

    Can you please share one or two of your favorite Gilmour settings?

    Also, any suggestion for Any Colour You Like rotary settings on it? Thank you sir!

    1. Looking at David Gilmour’s CE2, he usually keeps the rate around 11-12 and the depth at about 2 (o’clock). The CE2 isn’t really deep enough for a good rotary effect but you can get there with the rate around 3.

      1. Paul Van Heuklom

        Per your recommendations, I’ve now got phaser, chorus and flanger covered but have one open spot still on my board … Would you suggest Neo Vent or Vibe Machine?

        1. Depends on what you’re looking for. The Vibe Machine is a UniVibe tha David used on Breathe and Time. The Neo Vent is a Leslie rotating speaker simulator, which David used on pretty much everything between 1970-79 and now in present days. The proper way to use this is to lower the effect mix or volume and just add a bit of rotary slow setting ontop of your dry tone to create texture and ambience. Again, depends on what you’re looking for. I don’t know what you have overdrive-wise but I like to have 2-3 different overdrives for different use – boost, mild and heavy drive.

  7. Hello Brojn,

    First of all thanks for your devoted and all in work that helps all of us find that pot of gold that we all search when it comes to this subject.
    Also please can I ask you for your help regarding modulation sound, recently I have bought Yamaha ra200 and I would like zo include it as my rotation effect together with my other pedals but I don’t know how to do that.
    I have flanger, delay, overdrive, fuzz, phase and compressor pedal and I was wondering how to include Yamaha rotary speakers in to the chain?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! David runs his Yamaha paralell to the Hiwatts or what ever amps he is using. His pedal board is in mono and the signal is split in to two mono signals. One to the Hiwatt/amp and one to the Yamaha. So the Yamaha receives a wet signal, with all the effects including modulation and delays. I guess you could have the Yamaha on a loop between the modulation pedals and delays as well but it being a physical amp, I think it would sound much better having it in that split.

      1. Hi Bjorn, I have one more question if you could be so kind to help out. What would you recommend regarding chorus pedal, i’m divided between Electro Harmonix Small Clone and Mooer Ensemble King, If you need to choose one what would it be?

        Thanks in advance,

        1. I would go for the Mooer. It’s very close to the Boss CE2. The EHX sounds great too but it has a nasty volume drop.

        1. As far as I know, it’s just a rebranding of the Electric Mistress XO pedal EHX did a few years back. IMO not a very good version of the Electric Mistress. I would go for the Past FX Elastic Mattress or the Retro Sonic Flanger.

  8. Hi Bjørn. Hope you are doing well. Long time no post for me. I’m trying to budget for additional modulation pedals. For a long time I was using Boss CE-2 using a Y-cable out from my Butler sending half the signal through CE-2 to the right channel of stereo delay, and left channel without CE-2 to the left channel of delay. Then using both left and right delay output to normal and bright input of Reeves Custom 50. I feel that the modulation is too subtle and character-wise also I need to add at least one more or even two more modulations. It seems that most Gilmour tone players resort to Boss Rotary RT-20. That pedal is kinda expensive for my budget but if that’s one to nail down the modulation strategy, I can plan it in a long term, etc. but Mooer E-lady or EHX Small Stone Nano or EHX Uni-vibe are more affordable and used ones are more available for me. What would you do if you were on a tight budget to get as close as possible modulation characters of Gilmour tones considering already having Boss CE-2? Thanks a lot.

  9. Pascal Pelletier

    Hi Bjorn ! Your website is awesome!

    Is the mxr script logo with LED the same than the non LED one ?


    1. Thanks! Yes, the tone is the same. The non-led version is a replica of the 74 version, with hardwire bypass, which rolls off the highs just a hair. The led version has trube bypass and sounds a hair cleaner and brighter. Very subtle differences.

      1. Thanks Bjorn ! i noticed my block logo one was very bright and also boost my sound and affects negatively my tone I feel so i ordered the script one instead.

        Regarding Chorus modulation, have you ever tried the Super Chorus Boss pedal ?

  10. Hello Bjorn!

    I’m curious whether you have heard/played the TC Electronic Vibraclone, if so would you recommend it for Gilmour rotary tones? Wondering if I should snatch one myself…

  11. Hi Bjørn!

    In the tone tutorial for phase 90, you have posted above here, you say that you find it more natural sounding placed before gain. Do experience the same with Uni-Vibe? Preferably before gain as well?
    Thx in advance! ?

    Kind Regards

    1. Hei Bjørnar, I prefer both phasers and UniVibes in front of gains. It’s a matter of preference but to my ears they just sound better. Having them after isn’t wrong, and both Gilmour and Hendrix did that, but they often sound thinner and fizzy. Especially with higher gain pedals. Eddie VH used a Phase 90 in front of his Marshall amps (Eruption) and you can hear how it blends better. Chorus and Flanger sound better, to my ears, after. It’s very cool to have them in front too though as they tend to just bleed more and add this spaced out vibe :)

    1. You could use any tremolo pedal, like the Boss TR2. Optical tremolo is a bit too smooth, or phaser like, sounding for Money though. David Gilmour used a Kepex rack unit for the recording of Money.

  12. Hey Bjorn, thanks for your amazing work! I want to know which Rotary pedal will be the best for Pulse. The Dawner Pulse or Boss Rt-20?
    Kind regards

    1. The RT20 has always been a favourite and it can definitely nail the Pulse tones but I guess the Pulse is even closer.

        1. The 122 is closer to a Leslie, which you can use for the Pulse tones but it has more of that woody deep tremolo thing going so I think the RT20 or the Pulse is better.

  13. Hi, Bjorn!

    I’m thinking about getting my hands on a CE-2W for those Pulse tones, but I’m a little concerned about its similarity to the original CE-2. Do you think it can really replicate that sound or should I look for the original version?

    Best regards, Lucas.

      1. Thank you, Bjorn!

        Regarding modulation again, what would you choose between Electronic Orange Moon Vibe MkII and TruFi Ghost Vibe? Is still the Ghost vibe your favorite for those classic DSOMT tones?

        1. They’re both great sounding I think. The Moon Vibe has a more defined UniVibe character, with a very pronounced throb, while the Ghos Vibe is closer to a phaser perhaps. Smoother and darker sounding.

    1. I had an original CE-2. When it died I bought the CE-2W. I haven’t compared them side-by-side but from my recordings I can’t tell a difference. But overall, if I were to have 1 chorus pedal, I’d rather have the JAM Waterfall which can do a convincing CE-2 impression and is just so much more versatile. If you don’t have a phaser already, there is also a new JAM pedal now, the Ripply Fall which I’ve tried. This combines the waterfall with their phaser and will cover you well for phasing, chorus, and really convincing univibe sounds.

  14. Hi Bjorn.

    Do you own a Digitech Whammy? No mention anywhere. How do you like it?

    Some use a basic PS with an expression pedal while others say it doesn’t come close to the Whammy, latency being the biggest problem.

    Thanks for the tips!


  15. Hi Bjorn, I noticed you have mentioned the nano clone in the article, but that is a horrible pedal, let me explain. EHX have made five pedals with the word “clone” in their name, the small clone, the neo clone, the nano clone, the bass clone, and the clone theory. In which, the nano clone is the only one being DIGITAL, and is notoriously known for the noise it makes that in some cases can be louder than the pedal it self, it’s the only pedal among the five clones that I would not recommend for Gilmourish tones, dispite all the noise it makes, it sounds more like a flanger than a chorus, it does not even suit nirvana tones.

  16. Hi Bjorn,
    1. What is the best univibe clone you do recommend?
    2. Any opinion about the Whirlwind Orange Box Phase 90 pedal?

    1. Either the DryBell Machine Vibe or the Tru-Fi Ghost Vibe. The latter being more vintage sounding.
      The Whirlwind is a very close to the MXR script logo Phase 90.

      1. Thanks Bjorn,
        I’m looking for the most authentical Hendrix original univibe tone so the vintage one should be more appropriate I guess.
        Did you try the Mojo Vibe and the Pedal Pawn Gibsy Vibe as well? Both sound amazing!

        1. I think I’ve played most of the UniVibes over the years. Most of them sound very good but they also tend to respond differently depending on what pickups and amp you have. To my ears, the most vintage and authentic sounding might be the Electronic Orange Moon Vibe or the Tru-Fi Ghost Vibe. The DryBell Machine Vibe is slightly more modern sounding but by far my favourite.

            1. Hi Bjorn, sorry one more question.
              What do you think about the Thorpy FX ER-2 vibe?
              I can’t decide between this one, the Moon Vibe and the Tru-Fi.
              Is the Thorpy much closer to the Vibe Machine or to a vintage vibe like the Shin-Ei?
              Anyway, the Thorpy sounds really nice!

              1. I haven’t tried the Thorpy so I really can’t comment on it. The Ghost Vibe is probably my favourite at the moment. Very smooth, transparent and vintage sounding.

  17. Hi Bjorn, all the best for the festive season! Is the Pastfx Elastic Mattress still your preferred best clone to the original electric mistress?
    Do you think it would be good also for Andy Summers flanged sounds rather than getting the EHX Walking on the moon pedal? I realise you may not have tested this yet but have you seen the video of Andy Summers promoting the pedal? It doesn’t sound great to me nothing like his original sound so that makes me tend towards the Pastfx elastic mistress as a far better bet! Your the thoughts? Cheers

    1. As far as I know the Andy Summer is a rebranded XO Mistress and I didn’t like that at all. Too dark and little in common with the 70s model. The Elastic Mattress is by far the closest match to the original mid 70s Mistress. IMO anyway :)

  18. hey bjorn, i have a crazy question about adt replication. i know there are specific pedals out there for that, but i have heard that a good chorus with a mix knob like the mxr analog chorus can do convincing automatic double tracking tones. even while live. am i crazy, or is this at least somewhat true?

    1. You can definitely do what a chorus. Not exactly the same result but adt pedals mimics the double tracking effect with a delayed signal and chorus is a delay.

  19. Hey Bjorn,

    I want to get that Yamaha rotary sound without breaking the bank – are there any cheaper pedals you could recommend that can get close to that sound? I can’t find the RT-20 anywhere and the Neo is just too expensive for my budgets.


    1. There really aren’t that many rotary pedals that can do the unique character and tone of the Yamaha. The RT20 is very close. It’s no longer in production but it should be easy to track down used. SK Note has a very accurate plugin of the RA200 but obviously that’s for recording. Dawner Prince PULSE is basen on the Yamaha and David’s cusom Doppola speakers but it’s expensive. Pedals like the Vent and Lex are better for Leslie tones. Not the Yamaha.

    1. I’ve never had the chance to try the DC so I can’t tell for sure but it is a chorus so I would say it would cover the 80s and 90s tones in particular.

  20. Can we expect a review of the PastFx Rotary Phaser?
    Do you have any impressions on what it can cover?

    Thanks always.

    1. I haven’t tried it so I can’t really tell. A Phase 90 is a good alternative to a UniVibe. Both slow and fast speed. I’ve been using the Dunlop RotoVibe for years as an alternative to a UniVibe. I assume the Rotary Phaser is close to these.

  21. Hi there Bjorn.

    Do you know how Gilmour gets so much sustain while pitch shifting with the whammy? With a tone so clear, not fading or losing power. Specially on the song The Blue.
    Considering the Digitech Whammy is one of the first pedals in the signal chain, after maybe only the tuner and compressor, how is it possible? The drivers and delays come only after the whammy.
    I do own one, and as soon as I start pitch shifting, the signal kind of dies. It loses power. The end of the shifting is barely listenable. And David’s is loud and clear, with no distinction between the tone before and after the shifting.
    I tried solving this problem maxing on the volume knob on the guitar and putting a compressor in front (CS-3) of the whammy, both to minimum effect.

    Any tips? It would be deeply appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Daniel, do you experience lack of sustain when the Whammy isn’t plugged into the chain? It shouldn’t cause any issues but it might amplify issues that are already present due to its technology of pitch shifting. What amp, pickups and other pedals do you use?

      1. Hi Bjorn.
        What pedal do you recommend for getting Gilmour’s tremolo effect on the ringing B minor chord on Money?

        One of my bands is performing the entire Dark Side. I’m looking for that tremolo.

        Thank you very much.

    1. That’s hard because David’s use of different modulation is so typical for each era, album and song. A phaser wouldn’t sound right for Division Bell or Pulse, while a chorus sounds very off for songs like Have a Cigar and Breathe.
      1972-74 UniVibe
      1975 Phaser
      1977-81 Electric Mistress
      80s and 90s Chorus

  22. Hi Bjorn,
    Thoughts on the EHX Good Vibes Univibe compared to the MXR Univibe?

    I own a Good Vibes and personally I think the effect is not as pronounced as it should be. Feels like it disappears in the mix, even with the volume knob maxed on the pedal. What I hear the most is the low end of the vibe. Also, overall it brightens the clean tone of my guitar quite a lot, making it almost impossible to combine it with a drive pedal like the BD-2. I don’t know if that’s something particular to this effect in general.

    I never played the MXR version and I would like to know how they compare.

    1. UniVibes in general are a bit scooped in the mid range and the sweep, which is the nature of the phasing effect, makes it hard to blend in a mix. It works better with a Marshall, like Hendrix, and Hiwatt but tend to drown a bit on a more scooped amp like a Fender. The EHX has a bit too much low end for my taste. The MXR is OK and it has a bit more presence but I think there are better models out there like the DryBell Vibe Machine. Do also check out the Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe, which fits Fender amps very well.

    1. Depends on what tones you want. A chorus is perhaps the most versatile between the two but for Animals and Wall tones you definitely need an Electric Mistress.

      1. Looking for tones from DSotM-The Wall, Division Bell, Gda?sk & Pompeii 2016.

        I currently have a Ram’s Head, compressor & Catalinbread Echorec, seriously considering a Keeley Dark Side and a BD-2 to pretty much get all the tones I’m missing in 2 pedals.

        1. OK, so modulation is pretty much just icing on the cake. The Mistress is typical for Animals and Wall but it’s not suitable for Dark Side, Pulse etc. A chorus is typically 80s so it doesn’t fit Dark Side and songs like Breathe, where you want a UniVibe or phaser.
          Dark Side – WYWH: UniVibe or 4-stage phaser
          Animals – Wall – Final Cut: Electric Mistress
          80s and 90s: Chorus

          1. Thanks Bjorn. I thought his usage of chorus spanned more albums.

            Thoughts on the Keeley Dark Side? the review that was linked to your YouTube demo doesn’t work anymore.

  23. Hey Bjorn!

    I’ve always been a huge fan of your online content and again, I love the new website!

    I recently acquired an Elastic Mattress and was wondering how you might set the blend control to match Gilmour’s lead tones from the Live Wall shows? I feel like I get quite close with it, but I was wondering what your recommended presets might be just to get a second opinion. Also, a brief note about Muff pedals: if you haven’t tried the large box Caprid model from Wren and Cuff, it’s the closest Ram’s Head to Gilmour’s tones I’ve ever played and I will be keeping on or around my board forever. Just thought I’d throw that out there!

    Keep making noise my friend! Hope you’re well!

    1. Thanks for your kind words Andy!
      I usually keep the rate at about 1:00 and the range and colour at 11:00. The blend usually between 3-5:00. 3:00 for Big Muffs and 5:00 for cleans. Just sound better to my ears with the blend rolled back a bit for higher gain effects.

  24. The new Andy Summers flanger is the exact same De luxe electric mistress XO pedal. Same circuit, same components. Just change the casing.

    1. Interesting. I didn’t like the XO. Thought it was way too dark and muddy. Was hpoing the Strummer was closer to the older models.

      1. Unfortunately not, and it is the electro harmonix house itself that says that the two flangers are the exact same thing. In fact, now the XO model has gone out of production. This thing in my opinion is really incomprehensible. Among other things, inside the flanger there are modifiable trim pots, where it is possible to make the flanger much brighter and closer to the original mistress, but the electro harmonix technicians have declared that the new model will be calibrated exactly like the XO model . So for those planning to buy the Andy Summers flanger, know that you are buying the XO model. Incredible but, unfortunately, true ..!

    1. I haven’t tried the NUX so I can’t really tell. I know there are several good budget options out there but I have very little experience with them. You sould be able to track down a used Boss RT20 although these tend to be expensive these days.

    1. The new Andy Summers flanger is the exact same De luxe electric mistress XO pedal. Same circuit, same components. Just change the casing.

  25. Hey Bjorn, I have a Dunlop rotovibe. I was wondering which eras this would work for and how you would use it in a David Gilmour setup.

    1. The RotoVibe is kind of a mix between a UniVibe and Phase 90 so I think it works nicely for Dark Side of the Moon and Wish YouWere Here. I usually keep the effect all the way up, that little control on the right side of the pedal, and use the sweep pedal to adjust the rate of the effect.

  26. Hi Bjorn!
    Thanks for your amazing contents.. its been awhile that I’m searching for something between rotary and chorus.. do you think the ibanez cs9 (maybe the new Ibanez csmini) would do it for me? I think its very similar to ce2 but with just a touch of shimmer and more high end that I’m wondering is it good for my purpose?

    1. I haven’t tried that one so I can’t really tell. The CE2 doesn’t do rotary that well. The CE5 is a better option I think.

  27. Hi Bijorn. What do you think of the mxr micro flanger? Judging from the video, it seems that one can safely enter Gilmour territories as well. Definitely it’s a different flanger than the four knob mxr, I feel it anymore
    ” chorus ” . And it also covers univibe/rotary sounds. What’s your thought? Greetings.
    Video :

    1. I’m a huge fan of the MXR flangers but they have more of that jet type of flanging, which is more accurate compared to the chorus-like Mistress. You can tweak it for some similar tones but I prefer MXR for Van Halen.

  28. I suggest the phase 95. if the script 90 mode is any different to the original or reissue, then it’s barely noticable, when i use it, it gives the exact sound you expect after listening to songs using the original. At a band meetup, someone thought I was using a rotary sim as it can sound like that

    also I suggest the neo clone rather than the nano. the nano is terrible in comparison, the neo is much closer to the original and sounds great. the low depth mode kinda sounds like an electric mistress and a yamaha ra200

    also, don’t forget the ehx reissue of the electric mistress. the XO green deluxe version is great. the stereo version is terrible, but the green one is great. there might be a trim pot on the inside that controls mix that you may want to turn up to get a more wet effect. (to those who say it’s less lush, this is probably the reason, a lot of them don’t have the mix trim pot screwed all the way up, it just takes a screwdriver) this guy did a post about it.

    also, check out the dawner prince viberator. very good univibe sound

  29. Manuel Pérez Fernández

    Hello Bjorn, congratulations on the website, it’s fantastic, I’ve been following you for a long time and I have some pedals to play always inspired by Gilmour, my question is that I’m looking for a cheap flanger and I would like to know if I should choose a neo mistress or mooer e lady .

    I have a tele squier with suhr pickups and a Mexico strat like seymour Duncan jb pickups, DOD compressor, little Big muff, Boss Os-2, tuve screamer ts-9, Booster xotic RC, chorus ce-2 Japan, phase small stone, delay memory toy, I also have Boss dd-3 and mooer Ana echo, and Fender pro Junior IV and Fender princeton 112 plus amplifiers, transistors, do you recommend any configuration in order of pedals or adjustment of any pedal, I am not a professional I just really enjoy playing and I I really like the Gilmour tone, thank you very much for all your work that you show on your great website Gilmourish, I take this opportunity to congratulate you on A fleeting glimpse that I already enjoy together with two more records that I bought from Spain. Best regards Manuel.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! The E_lady is definitely the way to go. The Neo Mistress is a very different sounding pedal.
      Seems to me that you’re covered pedalwise. Rather than buying more stuff I’d experiment with the amp settings and build the tone based on a powerful amp platform.

      1. Manuel Perez Fernandez

        Thanks for your answer Bjorn, I’m going to get the e lady with a change of material, as for the amplifiers I have to look more for the tone as you tell me, in the Fender pro junior with valves it only has volume and tone control. I need a bit of reverb, maybe with a delay I can get some effect, with the princeton I have no problem, it has a good reverb and also an effects loop and controls to equalize bass, midrange and treble, I’ll try to go deeper looking for a little more tone with them, Another issue I have seen in your videos about the phase that you prefer to place before the fuzz, overdrive and distortion pedals, I have to try the idea, I think it’s great, in fact, one thing that happens to me when I use the small stone is that it goes up and down I don’t know if the volume is the pedal or something I have wrong with the pedal chain, I’ll keep trying and I’ll watch more videos about the effects to get more ideas, once again a million thanks, greetings. Manuel.

    2. the neo mistress doesn’t sound much like the original, the moor elec lady is better. but even better imo is the slightly bigger reissue of the deluxe electric mistress (not the massive one, the XO version released last decade). gets a lot of hate, but it’s honestly great. but it’s not quite as budget friendly

  30. Hi Bjorn, the new site looks great! I was checking out the new gear buyers guide and I couldn’t help but notice that you no longer recommend MJM pedals like de sixties vibe or the london fuzz, is there a reason for it? Thanks for always providing such excellent content and information.

    1. Thanks! No other reason than that I tried to scale it down a bit. I still love the MJM stuff and the Red London Fuzz in particular.

  31. Adi Corrales Magallanes

    Typo: “David has used Yamaha RA200 cabinets and his custom designed Coppola speakers.”. (the Godfather theme sounds in my mind ;) )

  32. Hi Bjorn! If there’s a God called Gilmour, you’re surely are his reincarnation. I have a question, I want to get as close as possible to “The Wall” and “Earl’s Court Live 81” tunes. Apart from all the effects and pedals, you wrote about the double tracking of guitar, with one track slightly delayed. In your opinion, do you think this is achievable via some specific pedals like the Tc Electronic Mimiq, or the Strymon Deco? Or is it something that is needed to be done only in a Daw with those witcheries of tools? Thank you!

    1. On The Wall they did all kinds of things to create unique and big guitars. Some parts are plain mono, while others are either double tracked or they’ve taken the mono track, panned it, with a delay or reverb panned to the other side. The Mimiq and Deco can do this but it won’t sound exactly as the album. David’s live tone for The Wall tour was, as far as I know, split into two mono signals which again was split into a combination of a Hiwatt head and a Yamaha RA200 rotating cabinet. Sort of a dual mono. If you listen to the Is There Anybody Out There live album, his guitars to be in stereo. At least for the solos.

    2. the most realistic would be 2 versy similar amps, and splitting your guitar signal, but just before it hits one of the amps, you have a delay pedal, 1 repeat, mix all the way up, and time just a bit off

      otherwise for 1 amp just get a slapback delay, honestly, it’s just as good. though it won’t have as close of time as you can do with an actual stereo setup (too short and it starts to flange in a bad way), it won’t make much of a difference

      besides, only some songs had double tracking

      a strymon deco will do it just fine, though a digital delay would be a little better, it’s fine to use the deco, you nor anyone will notice a difference

  33. Ville Silventoinen

    Hi Bjorn! Have you tried the Red Witch Empress Deus Chorus? Thank you so much for all the information, it has been very useful, I really appreciate it.

  34. Hey Bjorn, I was wondering which pedal you believe is better for capturing Gilmours Rotary sounds, the Neo Instruments micro vent or the Dawner Prince Pulse?

    Mainly wondering which pedal is more versatile, I know the vent is simulating a leslie and the Pulse is simulating the Yamaha but wanted to know if I can achieve those Yamaha sounds with the Vent and vice versa (if i can get leslie sounds with the Pulse).

    Off topic but when setting up your amp, do pedals ‘work’ better with the dirty channel (made to sound clean) or do you use the clean channel o0f your amp?

    1. I would say that the Neo is more versatile. The Pulse is great and perhaps better for David’s Division Bell and Pulse tones but it has a very characteristic tone, which might not suit everything you want to do. The Neo can cover a lot of ground. My favourite Leslie pedal is the Strymon Lex but that one has a very dry Leslie tone, which might not suit David’s tones.
      Depends on what amp you’re using. Some two channel amps tend to sound better on a clean set dirt channel because that channel often has more mids and compression than the clean channel but again, it depends on the voicing of the amp.

      1. Thank you for the reply, I agree that the Lex sounds a bit dry and not quite a david gilmour sound, I don’t know about the new one but i don’t think the old one had a Blend knob which i feel goes a long way in replicating David’s mix of his normal amp sound and the Leslie. I know the new Lex has a Dry setting but wether that works as a mixer i dont know. Thanks again for the help and I think I shall go for the Neo when I get paid :)

  35. Hey Bjorn! I noticed in the PULSE page that David had his CE2 on pretty much all the time and only in the “left channel”. I was just wondering if you have more information on that. We do hear a “chorusy” type sound on his guitar, which I’m assuming also comes from the doppolas. Can you talk more about that if possible? Thanks!

    1. What I’ve read is that it’s used to create a wider stereo spread. He did something similar during the second half of te Wall tour, with a mono rig but using CE2s to create the impression of stereo. The Doppolas created the modulation you hear on Pulse.

  36. I would love to see some more options for the Rotary!! I have a Digitech Ventura Vibe but I don’t think it’s cutting it..
    Great stuff man. Cheers.

    1. I haven’t tried it so I can’t really tell. Based on the reviews I’ve seen it appears to have some really great modulation tones but perhaps not the flanger and phaser you would associate with Gilmour. More modern perhaps. Again, I haven’t tried it myself.

      1. You’re very welcome, I went ahead a bit the bullet on one. Sounds great. Compared to my Retro-Sonic Flanger V2, it has more bass and less treble, but otherwise very accurate. Sounds less authentic on cleans without the high end sparkle but sounds amazing with gain. I didn’t buy it for the chorus mode, but it sounds pretty cool too. Overall it’s not going to replace the Retro-Sonic, but I will certainly find a use for it.

    1. Hey Bjorn, I was wondering what the difference was between the Phase 90 Script and Phase 90 1974 reissue? My local store has the script but not the 1974 reissue so I was wondering id it was worth buying the script or searching for the 1974?

      1. They’re “identical”. The script reissue has true bypass and a led, while the custom shop has hardwire bypass and no led. The hardwire drains some of the top end so you will notice that the true bypass script is a tad brighter and more open sounding but the difference is minimal soundwise.

  37. I just discovered an amazingly cheap and effective way to emulate the Doppolas and Maestro Rovers used during The Division Bell tour. The Line 6 M5 (which retails for $199 here in Canada) has two rotary speaker options: Rotary Drum and Rotary Drum & Horn. Surprisingly the Rotary Drum can be tweaked to output more mid-range, adjust the intensity and mixed to taste with the original guitar signal. I’ve been using the NUX Roctary to emulate the Yamaha RA-200 (oddly the M5 doesn’t do as good a job as the NUX). Now I have both!

  38. Wonderful article! Are you farmilar with the pastFX elastic mattress? I’m floored by it. It will be noisy if placed after something with an internal boost and runs at 18V but – to me – it sounds as good as any electric mistress I’ve ever heard, has a cmall footprint, and I love how it looks.

    Hope you are doing well! Take care!

          1. Great review, Bjorn! Glad you’re enjoying the pedal! I love hearing your assessment. I’m in complete agreement with your takeaway!

            I feel like I’ve found my permanent flanger – thought I’m inclined to try a PastFX reticon since i was so pleasantly surprised by the elastic mattress.

            Love the backing track at the end of the video! I thought it was rooster by alice in chains for a few seconds.

            You rock! Awesome playing, awesome reviews! Stay well!

          2. Bjorn, hope all is well with you and yours! I have the ELady from a previous recommendation of yours. How would you compare it with the Elastic Mattress? I hope good or better as mine is just leaving Australia today! In listening to your review and others it seems fuller and more of a chorus and flanger blend. What is your take? Thank You in advance…
            Walter H. ???

            1. Hi Walter, long time! Hope all is well :) The ELady is based on the Deluxe Mistress, which has a much more of that jet-type flanging. Closer to the MXR but still that Mistress flavour. The Elastic and Retro Sonic are both based on the mid 70s 18V mistress, which has a more liquidy chorusy kind of flanging. Two different pedals I would say.

              1. Thanks Bjorn & Happy Easter to you and yours! As always, I appreciate your input and all your reviews are spot on! I can hear and understand the difference between the two flangers now. I luckily have an 18 volt input in my Truetone CS7 power supply and I’ll run it with my Catlinbread Echorec @18 as I love the extra depth I get from it that way. I use their two plug splitter and have 11 pedals running out of 7 inputs with Zero noise! I’ve been very happy with the Truetone set up. I’ll let you know my thoughts on the Elastic Mattress when it arrives from Down Under…Keep those reviews coming!
                Walter H. ???

  39. Hi Bjorn,do you have any experience with the DigiTech Ventura? I am wondering how it compares to the Boss RT-20 for Gilmour rotary tones.

    1. I recently bought the Ventura, having a RT-20 on my board. In some of the demo videos the Ventura sounds awesome. But I have to admit that the RT-20 sounds far better in MY constellation (for rotary or univibe effects), having quite some pedals on the board. I think as a single pedal the Ventura might do a good job, but in combination with other effects (or a mulieffect device) the result was not convincing. I use it now on my second board as a chorus pedal. Hope this helps.

      1. Thanks for your help. I did get the Ventura and after a lot of tweaking am liking it for both rotary and vibe, though I must admit to not having much experience with either effect type. I am running a stereo set up where I am splitting the signal after dirt pedals with a Boss CE-3 then adding a Phase 95 and Mooer ELady to the B output on the way to a Flashback II then Twin Reverb. The A output goes to the Flashback II then Ventura then a Super Champ x2. I miss out on the Ventura’s stereo but I like how this keeps the 3 pedals from being too dominant to my ear and pretty good for getting Gilmour tones. I got a deal on the Ventura but at some point I would like to get a RT-20 as that does sound great in Bjorn’s demos.

  40. Hi Bjorn,

    I’m thinking of getting a phase 90 but I can’t really choose between the 74’ Reissue and the Custom Shop/LED.
    Which one are you using and which one do you think nails the Gilmour’s tone better?


      1. Hey Bjorn,

        Sorry for bothering you again but recently, I stumbled across the Phase 95, which is more board-friendly and I wonder if that one can nail the tone as good as those mentioned above?


      1. Is this list up to date? I don’t see the Retro-Sonic Flanger here. Have you tried the newer version with better sparkle? Thanks again!

        1. No, these lists needs an update. There really isn’t that big difference between the two. The new version is perhaps a bit brighter but not much.

              1. Thanks! I found a new option last night that seems to be even better. This never ends! ? It’s the Elastic Mattress from PastFX.

  41. Caden Westie-Hammond

    Hey bjorn, have you tried the MXR flanger, not the big rack one, but the pedalboard one? Tryna nail that run like hell tone but mailing into canada from reverb to get an eleclady is very expensive, any ideas on pedals that are sold in stores?

    1. The MXR has much more of that jet tone that Eddie Van Halen used on theor first albums. A very different flanger compared to the Electric Mistress. The Boss CE5 is perhaps the closest non-flanger pedal.

      1. what do you think of the EHX electric mistress xo model (the smaller one)? what similarities does it have to the original and the old deluxe? and how does it compare to the electric lady?

        1. It’s a different pedal. The Mooer ELady is the closest to the old 80s and 90s big box Deluxe, while the Retro Sonic Flanger is dead on the mid 70s Mistress.

  42. Hi Bjorn,
    I have recently acquired Mooer ElecLady and I must say I’m a bit disappointed. I have 2 beefs with it.
    First issue is the volume drop, however, it’s not a real deal-breaker for me.
    The second issue, however, is that when engaged I basically lose pick attack? It’s very noticable for me and due to a gazillion of 5-star reviews for the elec-lady, I’m now asking myself whether I was just unlucky and got a “bad” one or is this just how it is?

    1. The E-Lady is based on the Deluxe Electric Mistress of the 80s and 90s. It’s not the mid 70s Mistress. I’ve been using a 1999 Deluxe since I bought it new in 99 and the ELady is as close as you’ll get. What you’re describing is the nature of that effect. The Electric Mistress has never been perfect. Effect pedals rarely was in the 60s and 70s. The volume drop and loss of attack is due to less high end, more mids and a bit of compression.

    1. The JH is the older version. They did some upgrades on the JD, mainly how the controls operated but there is a slight difference in the tone as well. You will see that people who have the original JH will claim that the JD sound like shit but although there is s a difference, both pedals sound very nice to my ears. I’ve been using the JD for years and it’s become a staple in my board. Love it.

  43. Hi Bjorn,
    Have you ever tried the Danelectro – Big Spender rotary sim? It’s definitely on the less expensive side as far as rotary sims go, which is why it caught my attention. One of these days I’ll probably get the Dawner Prince Pulse but this looked like a possible budget option.

    1. The Big Spender is a great sounding cheaper alternative to a Leslie simulator. Well worth checking out. The Pulse does not sound like a Leslie as it is modelled after David’s custom made Doppola speakers, which has a much more subtle rotary sound similar to a chorus.

  44. Hey Bjorn! Picked up a CE-2W based on your score and recommendation here. I am a long time Electric Mistress fan and never cared much for chorus, but this is an amazing pedal. Both the CE-2 and CE-1 settings are so natural and fluid. It seems to also add some midrange and clarity to the tone, which is great for lead playing. I’m still in the honeymoon period but I could see this possibly replacing the Electric Mistress as my main modulation. Thanks for all of your hard work on this site. It’s full of great information.

  45. Did you gave a try to things like :
    – Moog MF-103 Phaser
    – Schulte Kompakt Phazor-A or its reissue ModMachines KRP-1 Kraut Rock Phaser (used by R.Blackmore, Tangerine Dream and many German bands of the 70’s)
    – TC SCF Super Chorus-Flanger (Cho/Flg/Vib)
    – Moog MF-108M ClusterFlux (Flg/Cho)
    – EHX Tube Wiggler (vib/trem)
    – Rockman Stereo Chorus

    Well, all these tend to get much further than DG’s use, but even not reproducing the same effect grain, they can do the job and sounds are absolutely gorgeous. OK, the Schulte/KRP-1 is unobtainium, I still bite my fingers not having bought the last KRP-1 on Thomann’s when the late maker stopped the works due to “crab”… I didn’t bought the Rockman as I got the TC and Moog, but this one is also gorgeous

  46. Hey Bjorn! Have you tried the MXR Phase 95? I have a script 90 reissue I love but its acting weird, I need to replace it soon. It seems like the 95 is a combination of the modern and script 45 and 90, it’d be awesome to have the same mxr script 90 sound as well as all the other options in the same box

    1. Hello Keith. I really like the Phase 95 pedal with one exception. It or mine can be noisy in a weird ticking kind of sound…MXR replaced the first one I bought and the second one wasn’t as bad. I run it through the effects loop of my Laney Cub12R and all is good! No noises just Great Tones with a lot of tone options unlike other phasers. Look at Svisound too. Their Phaser also offers the 45-90 type tones! It’s really a Kool looking pedal like all Svisound pedals!

  47. Hi bjorn, Can you help to choose between boss ch-1 blu and pink label, which one is better then others and also choosing between Ce-2waza and Ch-1 blu or pink..what you think, can you give some advise? thank you….

    1. I have no idea which is better comparing the blue and pink although I would imagine that they sound more or less identical. In terms of David Gilmour’s chorus tones I’d go for the CE2.

      1. I used an analogue Boss CH-1 Super Chorus in the early 90’s. Replaced with a first batch (serial number is inked with all zeroes) 1979 CE-2 Chorus in the mid 90’s. I prefer not not having tone controls on modulation pedals.

        What I found after getting the CE-2 was that the CH-1 had less headroom. A wah-wah would clip the CH-1 but not the CE-2, which is how I noticed this. The clipping was not to my tastes.

        I’ve seen in a comparison video that the Taiwanese CE-2’s also seem to have less headroom than the Japanese ones. So some part of their chorus circuits must have changed at that time.

        My CH-1 could go faster in LFO speed than my CE-2. I’ve noticed that the Waza Craft CE-2W can go faster than a CE-2 but not as fast as a CH-1. That’s only an issue of toy wabt to use it from time to time as a faux-Leslie. The Waza version doesn’t go as slow as a vintage CE-2 either. So they seem to be set up to dial in faster LFO speeds but not ones that can go as slow as the originals.

        Also: Contrary to what some online Boss fan sites claim the CE-2 was on the market until at least 1990.

        Like the CE-2W CH-1 can go stereo, The vintage CE-1 doesn’t have this option. CH-1 also has a blend control, unlike the CE-2 & CE-2W. I always set this at full on the CH-1 so that was another redundant control for me. The Ibanez Mini Chorus has a blend control as well, so some might find that to be worth considering, albeit a slightly different – bit still very appealing -tone.

  48. Hi Bjorn, love the site. I was wondering if you, or anyone here, had any experience with the A/DA PBF Flanger? I had a scroll through and couldn’t see any mention.
    Demos seem very promising and it appears very versatile, I’m tempted to get one.

    1. It’s a great sounding classic flanger. Perhaps not the best choice for David’s tones, which would be the Electric Mistress, but definitely worth checking out.

  49. Hi Bjorn,

    I have the opportunity to buy a Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress Deluxe Version 5 (1995). What do you think of this version of the pedal ? The old ones sound better ?

    Thanks for your help !


  50. Hi Bjorn, how good are flangers (such as the Mooer eleclady and the Foxgear Maitresse) at replicating a rotary/leslie sound?



    1. You can set them up for pretty convicing rotary sounds. It’s obviously not the same but in the ballpark. A 4-stage phaser will do much the same.

  51. Hello Bjorn,

    great content as always.
    I was wondering if it was worth investing in a strymon mobius? given that it has all of the different types of modulation effects. Downside with the strymon seems to be that it can only do 1 modulation at a time.

    Does gilmour often use more than one of these modulations effects at a time on certain songs? (i.e flanger + chorus + tremolo).

    If thats the case, im wondering if it is better to get these pedals seperately as opposed to the mobius.

    thanks again for your insight!

    1. The Mobius sounds fantastic. David rarely combine modulation effects, although back in the day, he would often run a phaser/flanger/chorus pedal with the rotating speaker cabinet.

      1. There’s also the Boss MD-500 which has a Phase 90 emulation – or the Line 6 HX Effects. The latter will give you the widest set of tones & the better emulation of the Electric Mistress flanger.
        If you want to keep it analogue without breaking the bank or taking up too much pedalboard real estate then look at the excellent sounding Ibanez Mini series. For modulation they have Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo & Phaser. The fuzz in the series is based on a Big Muff.

        I bought the Chorus & Flanger for my brother & was so impressed that I decided to get all of the Ibanez Minis for a “grab & go” board (apart from the tuner, might stick with Turbo Tuner) as my other boards all weigh a ton. Also have some Mooers that I can mix & match with the Ibanez Mini. They do the same effects types that all based on the actual pedals that DG used.

  52. If there is a difference, I would suppose it has to do with the power supply switch. I’ve heard they managed to get the MM to run on 24V with the 9.6V adapter, but if the DEM XO doesn’t that would probably be why people may prefer V4/V5.

  53. Francisco Tarantino

    I bought the MXR – M152 flanger today. It is a great pedal, in my opinion, covers very well the Gilmour tones, as David never used a too dominating flanging. Any way, I bought it for the jet sound, that is awesome.

  54. Hi Björn, ever tried the Ibanez FL301 Flanger? I had the opportunity to get one and immediately fell in love with it. Compared to the Mooer E-lady I used to have, the sound is much smoother, less “metallic”, if you know what I mean. No volume drop (rather the opposite), very subtle effect settings, and, as I said, incredibly smooth, especially when played with distortion. I play a Fender amp with a lot of “Gilmourish picks” on my pedalboard, but it also worked well with my Marshall. Greetz Alex

    1. Yes, it’s a great sounding flanger. I do prefer the Mooer and the early Deluxe Mistress, even over the mid 70s one, but that’s just my opinion. There are all kinds of different flangers and I love the true flanging too (as in tape flanging) like the MXR and those Van Halen jet-sounds.

  55. Hi bjorn first I want to thank you for all the intressting stuff you’re sharing here.

    then, I want to ask you a question, I’m in a pink floyd tribute band for the modulation I first used the strymon mobius (Very good to replicate the CE2, and the rotary) but not that acurate to replicate the EHX mistress not enought top end, and the uni Vibe,
    I wanted to know which would be your choice between those to replace the EHX mistress

    1- Hartman flanger
    2- Longamp roxane
    3- Buffalo Riticon flang
    4- mooer elec lady
    5- else ?

    I’m using a wet dry wet mesa boogie mark V clean channel in stereo and a fender princetone reverb for the dry.

    Thanks a lot.

  56. Hello Bjorn, i m looking for a mxr phase 90.
    You said the reissue 1974 sounds very good, but what about the mxr csp101sl ?
    Is the csp101sl good enough for go with it instead of buy the 1974 reissue ?

    1. Sorry for my late reply, Adrien. The 74 is an exact replica of the original. The downside is that it has hardwire bypass, which suck some of the high frequencies off your signal. It sound amazing though. The csp101sl is basically the same model, with modern components, led and true bypass switching, which doesn’t suck the tone. Two different flavours of the same pedal. The 80s block logo model does not sound the same.

  57. Robert W Horton

    Hello bjorn,love your work and assistance.
    I’m running my guitar into the Sovtek deluxe muff into an eleclady into a colordriver (clean boost) into Nova delay into twin reverb into v30 speaker. As you know with the eleclady engaged their is a volume drop. What’s the best pedal placement for my eleclady. Is putting the ekeclady first in the chain best or where I have it now? Thanks.
    Rob h.

    1. Since DG uses the Alembic preamp and all the space effects are chained between it and the HiWatt or Fender amps power sections, just put your space effects into your amp’s loop

  58. Hi there Bjorn!
    I’m planning to add a reasonable number of EHX pedals on my new pedalboard – such as the Small Clone, Worm, Electric Mistress and Memory Boy – but saw on your article that EHX modulation pedals tend to loose volume.
    You’ve mentioned that “ all EHX modulations, the Nano Clone has a nasty volume drop when engaged”.
    Is this something really serious to consider when purchasing these new pedals, or its something that is possible to overcome (by tweaking my amp, playing around pedals or adding a Boost pedal)?
    Any words of wisdom are (again!)) more than welcome.

    1. In my experience, the classic Small Stone, Small Clone and Electric Mistress all have a volume drop. Some hate this and either mod their pedals or use similar effects from other brands. Still, all three effects are among the most used and famous of all time. It’s never been an issue for me because I’ve learned how to compensate, with boosters and pedals that has a bit of a mids hump. It’s just the way those pedals were designed and the frequency they use. Other similar pedals doesn’t sound the same because they often have too much mids or boost. So, my best tip is to consider whether you can live with that or not.

    2. You may consider modifying the output level. I haven’t entered the details since I never cloned the Small Clone, EHX is enough cheap and I prefer higher end ones like the TC SCF or Moog ClusterFlux
      But here you can get the schematic :
      Then :
      EHX Small Clone – Volume Mod
      Small Clone Mix knob?
      Here are some documentations

  59. Still nice to stop by at your place before wasting money and/or time (sounds like PF songs !!) on any “Gilmourish” gear ;-) many thanks and take care, Hervé

  60. Hi Bjorn,
    I`m curious how you power your 1999 Deluxe Mistress…..I didn`t see a cord on it in a couple photos I found…..does it use some kind of adapter for the 220 voltage of your country?

  61. What’s the differenve between the 1974 Script Phase 90 and the Script LED one? Because the one with LED is much cheaper

    1. Tonewise, there no significant difference. The non-led version is an exact replica of the original unit from 74, while the led version has led and, if I’m not mistaken, true bypass switching.

  62. Hi Bjorn,

    Do you have any experience with Boss flangers? If so, would they get anywhere close to David’s tones?


    1. Not really although the Bf2 can do something similar. There are lots of great options though, like the Mooer E-Lady and the TC Electronic Vortex, which has some decent Mistress tone prints.

  63. Hey Bjorn,
    First, off topic, but I’ve picked up some Airbag albums over the last month. Awesome stuff, some of the best music I’ve heard that’s come out in the last decade. My question is album related- did David use the Electric Mistress on “Pulse”? I know it was on his rig, but I don’t see it in the listing for settings. I also have trouble hearing it on the album, but I know it’s a live album that’s been mixed. Every once in a while I chase that “Pulse” tone, and my board is kind of based on that rig, though not nearly as many pedals, and I use cheaper alternatives to the more expensive stuff (ex: Boss pedals to cover the Tube Drivers, and the E-Lady in place of a vintage Mistress. I do have a vintage early black Sovtek, though). Thanks, keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Chris! To my knowledge, he didn’t use the Mistress on that tour. Perhaps a night or two but I’ve yet to hear it on any bootleg or live recording.

  64. Hello again Bjorn, here is hoping you are well.
    I am sure you are busy. I had sent a long comment in some time ago but yet to hear back so I’ll shorten to:
    Where do you suggest is the best placement for the Svisound optical Tremelo Mark made me? It is a stunning Steampunk design he customized for me!
    I know it’s a trial and error but I always like and appreciate your input…
    Walter H.

  65. Hello bjorn,
    I just recieved my new moor eleclady and curious if the settings you use on her for all gilmour tones.
    Whats your eleclady settings specifically for animals (dogs), dsotm wywh etc.
    Thank you.
    Rob h

      1. I researched your eleclady settings on your site here and set up mine the same. sounds awesome but do you use the same setting for all songs such as dogs ,breathe, hey you etc. Or do you change the rate or color for different songs?
        Soon I well also purchase a tremelo pedal and also phase 90 script. Until then the eleclady is my goto pedal for everything.
        Also what affordable tremelo pedal would you recommend( if any)? I’m looking into the boss trem?
        your thoughts please and thanks.
        Rob h

        1. I pretty much use the same settings for everything. The Deluxe, which the ELady is based on, is slightly more dominating than the old Mistress, so it doesn’t apply 100% to everything but it’s a matter of taste.
          One of the best sounding affordable tremolos I’ve played is the Mooer Trelicopter. Sounds really great. Of course, if you want to go all the way then it’s hard to beat the Strymon Flint.

  66. Hi Bjorn,

    Not sure if this was asked yet, bit have you tried the MXR EVH Phase 90? Might be able to grab one for a great price and wondered if it was close enough the to Script reissue.


  67. Bjorn, if you haven’t checked out the Fender Pinwheel you should. It has some subtle overdrive, multiple speeds, and the ability to simulate a brake. I would love to see a review here!

  68. Hello Bjorn and a Happy New Year to you and yours. This will be my first comment of the new year so I’ll keep it short, Yea sure…
    Where do you like to place a Tremelo pedal in the chain? I’ve just gotten a Svisound Optical Germanium Tremelo pedal from Mark, OMG It is a Steampunk Masterpiece, he is so talented! That my third Svisound to go with his Overzoid + and an Echozoid. I owe these all to You…If fact in 2019 beside those I added a Vick Audio Tree of Life and a Buffalo FX Power Booster. Turns out it’s one of only 50 Steve made in Orange. A Jam Pedals Ripple, Moore Elady and a Laney Cub 12R combo & upgraded it with JJ tubes…
    I was busy and now broke…Oh and an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Koa but I did that al by myself LOL.
    I am and will be forever be thankful I found you and your web sites.
    Thank You for All You Do For All of Us
    Walter H.

    1. Bjorn, thanks as always you are the best! And worth waiting for too.
      What about placing the Tremelo pedal in the effects loop? I only use the EXF Loop in my Cub12R for my MXR Phase 95 due too it being noisy. In fact It is very noisy but Putting it there was an experiment that worked.
      Walter H.

      1. I plug all my pedals into the front end of the amp as I run the amp clean but try it. A tremolo is a volume effect so it should be placed after dirt pedals or sounds.

        1. Hello Bjorn, hope you and yours are All doing well and safe in these Crazy times! It is great to have you back and helping us all be the best. Since I seem to have some spare time…
          I played around and found the ideal placement for My Tremelo pedal. It’s the very last pedal in the my pedal line up. It sounds the clearest and as I’ve read “It’s where Leo put it.” Fender amps place the tremelo after the reverb and it worked for me. Isn’t that the beauty and fun of having a pedal board?
          I went with a Source Audio Vertigo Tremelo. Have you demoed or used any Source Audio pedals? Nice build quality and an App that allows a bunch of additional tones or presets like Tc Electronic does with their tone print. Also Stereo out so I added one cable out into my second amp and Viola I have a Stereo Rig…It features three types of Tremolos an Optical, a Harmonic and a Bias. All different and with a Shape knob that goes from Square to Sine to Sawtooth waves! Also a volume knob so No Volume drop either. A beautiful aluminum enclosure and it sounds Fantastic too.
          By The Way, I enjoyed your FAQ video I watched earlier today. Please stay safe and stay well…

  69. Looking for a rotary pedal. Have you tried the Ventura Vibe ? If so what is your opinion on the pedal and what other pedals would you recommend ?

    1. I’ve only seen the videos and it sounds pretty nice but I haven’t played it myself. It can do both Leslie and UniVibe, which makes it very versatile I guess. My favourite rotary pedal is the Strymon Lex. It’s a bit pricy but it does a Leslie incredibly well. As for UniVibes there are tons of great pedals out there but check out the DryBell Vibe Machine and for a more affordable alternative, the Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe.

  70. Hi Bjorn!
    I have an MXR Phase100 from the late70,s. Do you now if there is any of the four settings of the switch knob that are sounding like a Phase90? I don’t have a Phase90 to compare with.

    Regards Jan

  71. I would like to put one vote for the Ibanez sc10 super stereo chorus. Made between 86 and 93
    100% anolog BBD chips. These guys can be found for 50 dollars on reverb( increasingly more because the secrets out). They can sound very much like a CE2 except they have stereo output and a delay/time knob that can dial in some interesting almost slight rotating speaker sounds. It’s not spot on, but unless we are using David’s exact gear it’s all an approximation. On certain rigs this pedal can almost exactly nail it. Bless.

  72. Hi Bjorn ! Big fan of your website here. Been using it for years as a base for gear choices. It has helped me so much! Thanks.

    I’ve had the Boss RT20 and it’s great because of the mix knob for Animals, Wall and Pulse muff and clean tones but has a strange mid hump… I read about the cheaper Nux Roctary, ordered on with fingers crossed and guess what? Never looked back to the RT20… The Roctary has a cleaner leslie sim, has the mix knob too and if you set the balance a lot more to the bass side the mid hump dissapears like magic ! No more of that horny quacky hammond-like mids in the Numb solo, but the flanging is still there… try one and tell me what you think ! I loved it

    Cheers !

  73. The EHX Stereo Electric Mistress is a bit bigger and a bit more expensive than the E Lady, but you can use it as a flanger or chorus alone, or use them together. Also has filter settings for the flange depth and rate settings. I like using it to get The Cure type sounds, but its pretty versatile and will cover just about any other flanger and chorus needs.

  74. Hi Bjorn,

    I am working on the final pieces to the puzzle that has been achieving a fairly accurate DSOTM tone (I have backing tracks for the album and it’s just a great exercise to play through). I have a multi mod pedal that does a fairly convincing UniVibe tone, but to my ear it just doesn’t sound like DOSTM, no matter how I set it. That said, I’m considering a dedicated phaser (I’m torn between a MXR Phase 95 or the Mooer Orange Ninety (which appears to be a clone of the 95). I’m also considering a lower end rotary simulator pedal. I’m really looking at the Danelectro Big Spender, as it’s board and budget friendly, and has a ramp feature. I was wondering which, if any of these (or others) you would recommend?

    FYI: My set up (for DSOTM) is a Strat (stock pickups from the mid 90s), into a multi mod (set alternately between a phaser and UniVibe) to a Mooer Blue Faze fuzz, to a Boss BD2 (for heavier OD) to an EHX Crayon (mild boost)- an analog delay into a Marshall MG 100FX (I don’t really use the amps onboard effects). Thanks!


    1. The Big Spender is a great sounding budget rotary pedal. Well worth checking out! UniVibes can be tricky and simulations rarely come close due to the unique circuitry. I would try something like a Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe or a phaser, like a script Phase 90.

  75. Hi Bjorn,

    I have a Boss Super Chorus from the 90s which just stopped working for me. I thought about replacing it, but I’ve read in a few places that a flanger can cover some of the territory of a chorus and wondered if perhaps getting a flanger instead would be a better option so that it could pull double duty. I would only be using chorus or flanger tones very sparingly so I would rather not have to purchase one of each. Is it true that I could get a convincing chorus sound out of a flanger? If so, is there a particular pedal you’d recommend that would be better suited for this application? I like the footprint and price of the Moore E Lady, but am concerned it’s controls may not allow me enough tweakability to pull it off, as you’ve said they are hard to dial in. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


    1. A flanger won’t do chorus that well. A chorus is much more subtle so if you’re looking for those 80s and 90s tones, with just a hint of modulation, then a flanger would be too much. The ELady and the new Flanger from Retro Sonic is IMO the best clones of the Electric Mistress David used during the late 70s and early 80s.

      1. Thanks Bjorn! I really do like the E Lady and especially it’s bang for the buck considering how infrequently I’d use it. I just may go that route. I have no more space for a dedicated chorus though so I’ll have to forgo that one. Perhaps the Ensemble King would be the solution in the odd instance I’d need a chorus and I could swap it on and off the board as needed. I’ve seen dual mode chorus / flanger pedals but they are not cost effective have haven’t really seen a demo of one I liked. And I’d rather not go digital if I don’t have to. Thanks again for your help!


          1. Actually Bjorn, I was wondering if you were familiar with TC’s Thunderstorm flanger or their Afterglow chorus. My father actually came across these and shared a few demos with me. They are all analog and are in the same price range as the Mooer pedals. They also have a clone of the Dimension C called the 3rd Dimension. Any knowledge about these? Thanks!

            1. I haven’t tried that line of pedals. Based on the clips I’ve heard they sound pretty good but I can’t really tell. From what I understand, they’re based on the old Behringer pedals.

      2. There are also joint Chorus+Flanger doing the job well.
        The TC SCF or the MF-108M ClusterFlux are beautiful.
        For sure, they won’t sound the same as an Electric Mistress, they’re not low-end…
        Thus, my goal was no to sound just like him, but rather being told that I sounded better than on the record…

  76. Hey Bjorn, Have you tried the Strymon orbit? Would it be good for an electric mistress sound? The sound I’m thinking about is the subtle jet sound heard in another brick on the wall pt 1 and the thin ice.

  77. I have a chorus/vibrato pedal (Walrus Julia) and I was wondering if it would be at all necessary for me to get a flanger (I would go for the eleclady). Thanks, and I love the page and all of the work you’ve done, by the way!

  78. Thanks for answering my question on rotovibe. Enjoying your last album and web page. I have the phase 90 script with led it’s great on overdriven sounds but is it just me but it seems a bit gainy (if that’s a word) on clean sounds tend to use a rotovibe for that am I using it wrong?

    1. Thanks for the kind words!
      I wouldn’t say that it’s gainy, at least not nearly as bad as the block logo, but it might have a slightly higher output compared to the RotoVibe. I tend to use the Roto for all of my phaser and UniVibe tones but I often use the script 90 as well and I’ve no issues with it.

  79. I use the 74 RI phase 90 before the amp and in the loop use an EQD Pyramids. It’s very powerful for getting flange and chorus tones. Has 5 presets so can have a couple of each saved on there. Takes some time to dial in. Should check it out! Thanks for your work on here also.

      1. As I’ve said I do like it more too. I fixed the crackling of the Roxanne btw: I noticed when combining it with gain pedals the volume got pushed a bit so I messaged Tomasz from Longamp (very nice and helpful guy!) and he told me which trimpot to turn to change the output volume of the Roxanne :) Now it’s perfect!

  80. Hi Bjorn, thanks for your work about David !
    I’ got a phaser, but i want to get another tone which is out of the ordinary.
    What do you think about rotary speaker pedals ? I’m looking after one, but it’s very difficult to ear what’s a good rotary sound on pedal. I hesitate between the EHX Lester G, the hammond Leslie G and the neo Vent.

    Thanks from Grenoble !


    1. The EHX Leslie pedals sounds too artificial for my taste. Too much of that honky mid range and overdrive. I’d go for either the Neo or the Lex.

  81. Hi bjorn! I would like to hear your opinion on MXR M290 Mini Phase 95. It has a switch between 2 stage and 4 stage phaser and has a “script” switch. Your work here helped me so much.

  82. Hi Bjorn
    I d like To know your opinion about the Whirlwind Orange Phaser. You haven’t made any review…
    It seems to be as good as the Mxr 1974 Ri, with the useful True Bypass circuit.

    As you’ve praised the Whirlwind Red Compressor please would you choose the Whirlwind Phaser over the MXR 74 RI?


    1. It’s very good. Don’t know if they’re still around but it should be easy to track down. Well worth checking out.

  83. Hi Bjorn,

    I’m looking to buy a phaser pedal of a lower price range. Right now I’m choosing between Mooer Ninety Orange and EHX Small Stone. I’d like to know your opinion on which one you prefer soundwise or if there perhaps is a different option at a similiar price range.


    1. Both sound great and both cover David’s tones nicely. I’ve always been partial to the Small Stone but again, both will do the job.

  84. Hi Bjorn,

    Do you happen to know or guesstimate the effects David uses on Any Colour You Like on Pulse (Live) CD 2, for rhythm and solo parts. The solo effects are just haunting and my favorite by far.

    I definitely like the overall tone and effects of Pulse far better than any other P.F. recordings. The Live In Gdansk’ recording is close second for my taste and ears.



      1. Hi there, I think the question would be how to simulate the swirry ACYL sound that seems to be very much shaped by the CLS222 with common stomp pedals – you sure he did not use phaser/univibe?

  85. Hi,
    What kind of pedals can be used to simulate the EMS Synthi Hi fly? Small stone? Phase 90? Or what else. Thanks

    1. Well, EHX have just released a multi-effects pedal called MOD11 which features a lot of the effects you’d find on the Hi-Fli such as phaser, vibrato, pitch shift and resonant filter. It’s a digital effects box, so it’s not the highest audio quality, but it does offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing LFO waveforms and speeds, and it’s also quite reasonably priced if you’re on a budget.

  86. Hey Bjorn, I have a question. My Boss RT-20 that I bought used a few years back (it was a great steal) sadly died last week and I was wondering how you felt about the NUX Roctary pedal, if you’ve ever seen or heard it. I’m just looking into buying a replacement and was wondering how you feel about the NUX vs. the RT-20, as they both have a similar sound with a useful blend control. Thanks!

    1. Never tried it. Based on the reviews and videos it sounds more like a Leslie sim like the Lex and Vent, while the RT20 sounds more like a chorus. For David’s tones I’d go for the more chorusy. One alternative could be the Boss CE5, which is a very fat sounding chorus.

  87. Josh Szczepanowski

    Currently using a CE-2, a Deluxe Electric Mistress, and original Electric Mistress, a Maxon Phase-Tone, a Fulltone Univibe, a Dynachord CLS-222, and a Yamaha RA-200 so I think I have modulations covered.

    I agree the Maxon is really great. I would fully recommend it.

  88. Marcus V Leonardz

    Hello again,

    I forgot to ask about your thoughts on the Voodoo Lab Analog Chorus, as is applies to Gilmour tones. It is touted as a CE-1 clone.


  89. Marcus V Leonardz

    Hello Bjorn,

    Really enjoy your videos and posts. Two questions: My block Phase 90 was modded a few years age by a friend who works for Caroline Pedals here in SC. It really improved the tone of it, warming it up and getting rid of the nastier elements of the mids. As I’ve never played a script model, is the mod done to mine close to it? Second, what are your thoughts on the MXR Flanger?

    1. Obviously I wouldn’t know how your block model sound but I know most of the mods out there bring them closer to the script model – warmer, smoother, less mids etc. The MXR Flanger is a classic but more Van Halen than Gilmour :)

  90. Hey Bjorn,

    I was wondering, have you ever tried the Techno Phaser from Svisound? If you have what was your experience like? I am a little hesitant to buy it, don’t know why, maybe because its a mini pedal.


  91. Hi Bjorn. Could you do a review of the MXR 1974 CS script reissue Phase 90? I love that sound David got when he debuted Shine On You Crazy Diamond Live at Wembley in 1974.

    1. I usually don’t reveiew stuff unless the companies send me whatever they want me to review. It’s free promo for them. I’ve used the pedal on several clips before so check out my youtube channel :)

  92. Hello Bjorn hope all is well and the new year has been good to you so far.
    I like all us tone chasers need and admire your work. Your sites are plesent, informative and Fun, Thank You Bjorn.

    On modulation, I went All In. I have an MXR Analog Chorus, Elady Flanger, MXR Phase 95 (45-90) and as a bonus a Jam Pedals Ripple. I added the Phase 95 to replace a vibe pedal spot as you suggested on the Vibe pedal section of your Blog. I tried two different vibe pedals from two different companies and it didn’t gel for me. In the US some of the Best Picks are hard to obtain.
    I know pedal order is all subjective but what is your Opinion on where to place my compressor regarding the Phase 95? I now have the compressor, phase 95, Tree of Life, VFE Dragon dynamic Overdrive. Then the fun stuff with modulation delays and reverbs. I have the Ripple in the middle of the chain for an after OD Phaser sound.
    Which do you like first, The Compressor or the Phaser?
    Please let me know when time allows.
    Thanks for All You Do For All of Us!

    1. Hi Walter! Thanks for the kind words! I would place the compressor first. You want to compress and level the signal from your pikcups into the other pedals and amp. Cheers!

  93. So I got a Free The Tone Arc-3 Routing controller to loop all my effects, and one interesting unintended effect I’ve noticed is that all my post-gain modulations (Small Clone, Electric Mistress, Phase 90), pedals normally associated with a slight volume drop, are actually giving me a noticeable volume increase. The Arc-3 uses buffered loops, similar to the Cornish pedalboard principle, does this seem normal? Anybody else have an Arc-3?

  94. Hey Bjorn,

    Much of your feedback around the Strymon Deco has been centered around its abilities as a boost. I have also seen you cite it as a great take on a “true” flange (not a Mistress) and also as a pedal that cops a decent CE-2.

    Regarding the latter – chorus tones – can you elaborate? I am a very happy owner of a CE-2w (rate set low, depth set high is magical). But I’m curious what the Deco is capable of (both front-of-amp and in effects loop) as a chorus.

  95. Hi Bjorn, great job! In you’re opinion, what’s the best clone pedal of electric mistress in the market?(i have hiwatt t20 and d allen echoes) i would like to use the flanger with the distortion sound..
    Thanks a lot



  96. What would be a good flanger and phaser pedal that can be used for both Gilmour and EVH tones? I play both types of songs but cannot afford expensive pedals. Also what would be a good combo modulation FX unit?

    1. I would go for the Mooer Ninety Orange phaser. It’s a great sounding clone of the Phase 90 that both David and Eddie used in the 70s. The flanger is tough because David used the Mistress and Eddie the MXR which sound very different. The Mooer ElecLady is very close to the old Mistress David used and with some tweaking you can get close to Eddies tones as well, although you probably would go for a MXR type of pedal.

      1. Thanks Bjorn! Ok so I am on a budget and limited pedalboard space- for a combination mod pedal what would you recommend and why? I am looking at the Keeley Super Mod workstation since it allows 2 mod effects at same time and I already have a fuzz/OD pedal and delay/reverb pedal. I am also looking at perhaps the Boss MD-500 since it has the feature rich editor plus can run two mod FX. Perhaps the Strymon Moebius and a Keeley Dark Side pedal combo? That would give me fuzz/OD plus options to run all three key FX for mod and fuzz/OD in a compact space under 1k.

        1. Hi Ben, sorry for my very late reply…
          I really don’t have that much experience with modulation workstations or multi effects. Obviously, for David’s tones you’d want something vintage sounding. The Keeley and Strymon stuff are really great and Line 6 also has some really great sounding modulations and delays.

          1. Thanks Bjorn,

            No worries. I was actually able to dial in some decent tones with the MD-500 for flanger and rotary along with tape echo delay from my EHX Canyon pedal. I still may end up getting a dedicated Binson type echo pedal and analog flanger pedal like an EHX Mistress in the future as backup and also to let me run chorus and rotary on the Boss MD-500 while manually dialing in flanger modulation settings which are super tricky to do on the MD-500. The chorus on the MD-500 is incredible since it has all 4 types made from Boss in one small pedal and you can tweak patches and save dozens of presets for future recall.

  97. Bjorn, hope your Christmas was well over there in the cold North. Just wanted to comment on the electric mistress. I have the deluxe mistress XO, but I managed to find a 90s reissue big silver box at my local Guitar Center used in mint condition for 129.00 USD. Idk why it was so cheap but it was an offer I couldnt refuse. Scooped it up, and you were SO right about how transparent it is! It blends perfectly with my BYOC triangle. I do wish it wasn’t so large on the pedal board, and the input and output wasn’t on the top, but that’s the nature of the beast. But man, what a difference. I feel like I found a piece of guitar history for a steal. If anyone has the opportunity to scoop one of these up, dont let it pass by. It blends perfectly into my signal chain into my mid range heavy Orange CR60. Anyway happy new year to you brother!

    1. Awesome! Yes, those 90s Deluxe models are just amazing and actually, the Mooer ElecLady is very close. I’ve retired my old Deluxe to studio use only but the Mooer is so damn close.

  98. Bjorn, hoping that you had a good Thanksgiving and are getting ready for the Holidays.
    I started shopping early with a few additions to my board. The Dawner Prince Viberator is a lush and stereo Vibe pedal I put second after my compressor. I know you haven’t reviewed that one yet, I think you would like it. I have a Jam Pedals Ripple phaser coming and was wondering if you have ever tried that one yet? I looked in the post but it’s a Big post I might have missed it. Also could you please explain the tone or variances between a 2-stage and a 4-stage phaser. What about my Elady that I added thanks to you. And I mean Thanks. Keep the phaser and the flanger on at the same time? Where would you place them? I currently sandwich the Elady between two Overdrives all are after my compressor.
    When you can I’d enjoy your input.
    Thanks for All You Do for All of Us!
    Walter H.

    1. Hi Walter! 2 stage is much more subtle, with a similar character as a UniVibe (although UV is a 4-stage). 4 stage has more depth basically.
      I like to have phasers and UVs before dirt and flanger and chorus after. Sounds more natural to my ears.

  99. Would the boss rt20 be used instead of a chorus pedal, or in addition to? I already have a boss ce2, so for something like the 2nd comfortable numb solo, would the rt20 suffice?

    1. The RT20 is a Leslie simulator so it doesn’t sound like a CE-2. Having said that, I like to use it much like a chorus placing it before the delays.

      1. Sorry Bjorn, I have no idea why I mentioned chorus haha, I meant to ask if he used the electric mistress in addition to the rotating cabinet?

        1. Yes he did :) He used all the pedals, including delays and the signal was split after the pedal board into the Hiwatts and the rotary cab. You could either place it before the delays, like I do, or, after the delays, like David does. The reason I place it before the delays is that I’m using one amp so there’s so stereo spread. The delays gets very messy if you place it after them with just one amp. Try both approaches :)

  100. HI B – About the Electric Mistress you were saying “has a nasty volume drop when engaged and due to the lack of a noise filter, there’s a lot of hissing and weird oscillation going on” Now my question is: This seems to be one of the only constant pedals DG has used throughout his career, so how did he get rid of what you mentioned above as I’m sure he wouldnt settle for weird/crazy sounds popping up. Thanks P

    1. Sorry for my late reply. He did use the Mistress during the 1977-83 era and again on the latest tour. It’s also present on the 1994 tour although I don’t think he used it. David’s pedal was modified with a noise filter and on the last Rattle That Lock tour you can also spot a Lehle mixer next to it compensating for the volume loss.

      1. A BOSS LS-2 also works wonders for the volume drop AND adds the benefit of an LED to indicate whether or not the effect is engaged.

  101. I understand you like mooer modulation for Gilmour tones. What about the mooer mod factory? Should be the same as the dedicated mooer mod pedals and pretty much nail Gilmours tone, right? Im just looking to buy a multi fx pedal. Debating between the TC Dreamscape that I found a deal on or the mod factory pro.
    Thank you.

  102. Hi Bjorn,

    great post! in You’re opinion, the Strymon Deco can replicate the flanger in the wall era?(for example comfortably numb solo). I love Deco!!

    thanks a lot



    1. No. You can get some very nice CE-2 type of chorus but the flange is typical tape flanging and not that suited for David’s tones. Much more jet-like. Awesome pedal though and the overdrive is one of my favourites.

  103. Hi Bjorn,
    after many tests I deduced that the BOSS mod. CE-2 is better than BOSS mod. CE-2W.
    The CE-2W it has a cold sound.

  104. What do you think about the Tc Electronic Stereo Chorus and Flanger I just got one and I’m loving it do you have any experience with one if so what are some good David Gilmout Settings on it

  105. Have you tried the Longamp Roxanne? Handmade in Poland, very close recreation of the Electric Mistress. In the short time I’ve had one of my own, it’s become my favorite.

  106. Hey Bjorn,

    I’m trying to recreate David’s Any Colour You Like tone from Pulse and as you know, he employs a rarely used CLS 222 Leslie Emulator in addition to the rotating speakers. I know that the original Dark Side tone was created with a Uni-Vibe but I much prefer the fatter Leslie sound. I use a digital setup so I do have a Leslie cabinet that I use quite often and do have it in this signal chain, but am having difficulty re-creating the Leslie emulator. 1 thing to note, my main axe is a Black Strat with a Fat 50, Custom 69 and Seymour Duncan SSL-5. I do not have a Strat with EMG’s, which I know is part of the equation. Would you have any suggestions? Perhaps a 2nd Leslie cabinet and EQ-ing it or do you think EQ-ing the Uni-Vibe to fatten it up would do the trick?

    As always, thanks for your help!


    1. Hi Jeff, not sure I understood your setup… It’s all digital as in you’re using a software or multi processor? What sort? How’s the rest of the chain including the amp?

      1. Hey Bjorn,

        Yes, I am using an all digital setup in a bedroom which is purely my studio now. I do have a Fender Champion solid state amp but for this tone, I am purely digital. I use the Line 6 Pod HD500x that runs directly to 2 monitors for a stereo output. The names are different within the system but they represent the real pedals named below with the signal chain for the song, Any Colour You Like, as follows.

        Black Strat (with a Fat 50 in the neck, Custom 69 in the middle, Seymour Duncan SSL-5 in the bridge) : Noise Gate : Boss CS1 Comp : Chandler Tube Driver : Uni-Vibe : Boss DM2 Analog Delay : TC Electronics 2290 Digital Delay : Hall Reverb : Leslie Rotating Speaker – Hiwatt 100 amp w 4×12 Cab & speakers

        I use the settings that you publish as a starting point and make adjustments from there based on the variables that differ from David’s studio/stage and equipment vs my bedroom studio. Also since I’m using a Black Strat, I make other adjustments when I’m trying to emulate a tone David produced with his Red Strat (EMG pups).

        My question was based on the fact that for this tone he was using the Red Strat and the Leslie CLS 222 Emulator, a pedal I don’t have. In lieu of the Leslie Emulator I’m using the Uni-Vibe, as he did on the original recording. So essentially, my signal chain is a hybrid of vintage and a Pulse type setup.

        However, since I sent my initial message, I played with the tone a bit by tweaking the amp, Tube Driver, Uni-Vibe and delay settings, as well as changing the reverb from Spring to Hall to fatten it up and it sounds pretty darn good now. I’m not sure I can do any better with what I have to work with but your thoughts would be very appreciated.


        PS. Have you ever done a piece on recording wet vs dry? If so, could you please link me to it. If not, I think that would be a great subject to discuss, I prefer to record wet, with the tone I want already worked out but the engineer I work with is always trying to talk me in to recording dry. I’d love to know what you think and why. Thanks.

        1. Ok, you seem to have figured it out. David’s tone for Any Colour on Pulse is tricky because there’s so much going on, with the different pedals, physical rotary cabs etc. I think the most important thing when you’re using digitial stuff and simulations is to avoid getting too caught up in how David actually does it. His setup is analog, a combination of pedals and tube amps and it’s all set up for a huge stadium. That can’t be replicated in a bedroom. Regardless of what gear you have. My experience with digital stuff – I’ve been using Line 6 and AmpliTube for years – is that they’re always good at something but not everything and besides, they’re not designed with David’s tones in mind… even if they have pedals or amps similar to him. There are so many variables when you use digital gear and it often pays off trying different amps and pedals. I often get closer that way…

  107. Felipe Mac-Auliffe

    Hey Bjorn, hope you’re having a great day…
    Is my MXR Analog Chorus suitable for DG tones? How do you’d compare to the Boss CE-2?

    Thanks you for this great page, as always.

    -Felipe Mac-Auliffe-

    1. Yes, I often use the MXR. It can do the CE2 pretty well and the added controls makes it a bit more versatile. I usually set the rate to around 1:00, depth 11:00 and the hi and lo pretty much at noon. You probably want the level at unity or slightly below.

    1. Personally I find it a bit too modern sounding in regards to chorus. The Waza CE-2 or CE5 is closer to David’s tones I think.

  108. Hi Bjorn
    I was wondering if you had tried the Whirlwind Orange Box which seems to be the real deal as a mxr script logo clone. Would it stand in your tops list like the Red box comoressor ?



    1. All of the Whirlwind pedals are well worth checking out. Awesome stuff. Not sure if they still make them, I might be mistaken, but they should be easy to track down.

  109. Hey Bjorn it’s me again. I was looking online and found the mxr custom shop CSP-101CL script logo phase 90 with led light. According to the reviews people seem to like it. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried it. Thanks, Brian

    1. I haven’t tried that specific version but from what I understand it’s identical to the ’74 reissue but it has the led and power jack input.

  110. Hey Bjorn I love my mxr phase, I think it was the second pedal I bought when learning how to play back in the 80’s. I’m thinking of buying the reissue one you recommend but two things concern me. The fact that it only runs on a battery and there’s no light to tell if it’s on or so you can tell if it’s dying. Correct me if I’m wrong but if your running the pedal on the board say during a gig and the pedal dies doesn’t that mean no more sound at all. Keep up the great work love this site. Brian

  111. Hi Bjorn,
    What do you think about BOSS mod. DC-2 (DIMENSIONAL C) and BOSS mod. SG-1 (SLOW GEAR) ?


  112. Hi Bjorn. First thank you for the great work of dissemination and information that you make on this website during all these years and encourage you to continue because you are of great help.

    What do you think of these modulation pedals, (always thinking of tones Gilmour Pulse, Gdansk, Pompeii 2016): Keeley Dyno my Roto, Keeley Bubble Tron, TC Electronic Dreamscape, Digitech Nautila … If you have not tried them, would you recommend someone else (other than Dark zone) and that contains these modulations and without OD ?

    Thank you very much, very kind and greetings.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! My recommendations are listed here in this guide. I haven’t tried the Dreamscape and Nautila so I can’t really comment on them. The Keeley Roto is OK but I think there are better rotary simulations out there, like the Lex and Vent. The Bubble Tron is really cool. It’s based on the old MuTron with all kinds of filters are strange sounds but there’s also a very nice vintage sounding phaser and flanger on it.

      1. Hi Bjorn, I asked for advice on the web keeley and I have recommended Super Mod Workstation to have all the modulations. I suppose it will be a great multi effects pedal, but it’s too expensive. So once again, I’ll take your recommendations into account and buy the Mooer for flanger, phaser and chorus. For the price they have, I can take the chance to try, in addition I have read many other guitarists very good opinions of Mooer clones. Thanks !

        1. Don’t think you can go wrong with those. E-Lady/Electric Mistress, Ensemble King/CE2 and the Ninety Orange/Phase 90 are all excellent clones of the originals and you can’t beat the price.

      1. Dave Fox is one of the best in the business in terms of the quality his pedals (sounds, features, versatility). Foxrox pedals are ell worth the money, which is priced competitively for what you get. His service is excellent too.

        I bought his AquaVibe & Octron 2 in 2009. More in that in a moment. Furs though I will mention that this was soon followed by the ZIM dual overdrive. Two of them actually. Dave does about 10 circuit cards that can be swapped out. I actually prefer the Muff card to my old V3 circuit EH Big Muff [black & red; transistor-based, not op amp] – which some say is quite like the V2 [Rams Head] tone. One other user said that his Muff circuit could be dialled in to match the sound of a V1 [Triangle] that the same user had.

        Whatever, it is great. It is also more versatile than any other Muff that I know of – & I would include the Muffeletta. How so? 1: It can sound great with the gain rolled all the way off – just adjust the tone trimmer to optimise it – no other Muff that I know of can do this; 2: It also has more gain if you need or want it; 3: It sounds great without a booster before or after it but also takes well to a BK Butler Tube Driver after it; 4: if you place in the slot that sends its signal through the cleverly designed EQ then you can open up a vast array of tones [Tip: Go easy on the amount of boost/cut – it is powerful, boosting to about 1:30 should be enough, then choose from one of nine different EQ curves].

        I have two Muff cards in the one that is in one of my boards, each set for different tones. The EQ is icing in the cake really. It’s stunning even without it. The only “downside” is that you have to dial in the internal tone trimmer so that it’s set & forger. Having two Muff cards in one ZIM with one dialled in a bit brighter & the other slightly darker for optimising different levels of gain helps.

        The other I set up last for a blues jam “grab & go” pedal. That has the Hot 9 (basically a Tube Screamer modded for more gain & a more open sound) that feeds into a Boost & Buff card for lead boosts. I have most of the cards. I swapped the Fat Fuzz & the T9 (straight up vintage TS-9 circuit) cards for duplicates of some of the others. H9 into H9 was nice.

        Worth mentioning that Dave has an inexpensive ZIM card-swapping service The VT card (Vintage Tube) is possibly the best of them for lower gain crunch, very reminiscent of a Fender Tweed Deluxe kind of overdrive texture. The T+ (Rat-inspired) card actually improves in some ways to my big-box late 70’s ProCo Rat pedal – it maintains clarity in the lower frets of the lower E string. I like to max out the gain on a Rat & that is where they can go mushy & lose definition. VT into H9 is the default setup. That sounds great too. You can choose whichever cards you want from the get-go though.

        Okay back to your question: The Octron 2 is one of my all time faves & I highly recommend it. There are internal switches to optimise the sound. I have set these as IIRC I preferred settings that weren’t the default ones. Worth experimenting with though. I think that Octron 3 has these moved to the top of the pedal though. I wouldn’t mind getting one of those for another board.

        The Octron 2 though has the individual switches for clean octave down, buffered dry signal & octave up fuzz as well as the master bypass switch. It also has a send & return loop. You need a clean power supply with isolated outputs feeding it if you use the send/return loop which allows you to kick in other pedals at the same time. If you have the pedal on all of the time, using the dry buffered signal feeding drive pedals in the loop then you can switch on & off the octave up fuzz & the clean octave down to also feed the other drive pedals. Feeding the ZIM Muff card with either buffered dry plus octave up fuzz, dry with clean octave down, or all three together is amazing. The octave fuzz id different sounding ti the Roger Mayer Octavia. It’s thicker in the mids. It doesn’t replace the latter. I have the RM Octavia & have fed that into a wah then into the Octron 2 then into a ZIM Muff card followed by an overdrive & delay. Mind bending!

        Also most recently got one of a handful of a limited run of the Captain Coconut 2 that combines old-school Octavia, Fuzz (with germanium, silicon & hybrid germanium/silicon cards – the latter two are otherwise available as the Hot Silicon & Hybrid CC pedals) & UniVibe (Dave calls that the ProVibe on this pedal – & on the original Captain Coconut & as an even earlier standalone pedal) which has not only a knob to set the LFO speed/rate & an expression pedal input to add foot control but can be switched to envelope control of the LFO with the knob that is otherwise used for speed used to set sensitivity of the envelope. The octave fuzz on it has an added switch to turn off the octaving, which provides yet another texture of fuzz.

        A couple of years back I got Dave’s Festival dual overdrive (brilliant pedal – just don’t use it to post-boost Muffs as its not as scooped as a BK Butler Tube Driver, with a ZIM Muff you won’t need to post-boost anyway; I actually prefer it’s ability to foot-switch to a different level of gain & volume – & even a different texture if you set an internal switch – to stacking drives, which is the approach that the ZIM has). & a Paradox TZF 2 analogue through-zero flanger. I already had the old bigger Paradox TZF but this one is more compact & thus “pedalboard friendly” & is optimised for live use. It is worth noting that the Paradox TZFs have to be used after any dirt.

        I have lots of musical & guitar tonal influences besides Gilmour (Jimi Hendrix, Ernie Isley, Jeff Beck & many others). Combine aspects of your influences approaches to playing & to tone creation & then just experimenting is the key. It’s useful to have these tonal references though.

  113. Hi Bjorn,
    Is the newer CE-2 Waza much different to the older model. I see you have it as your ‘Gilmourish Pick’. I think I remember in the past you used to favour the Costalab choruslab over the ce-2. Is it the newer version that has changed the ce-2’s rating. I’m currently looking to get either the Costlab or the ce-2 and am wondering which would be best.

    1. The CE2 is the one that David used and now that Boss has reissued it there’s no doubt that it will be the closest match.

    1. Big fan of the RC-99 it is a great pedal for in loops of delays and it really shines using the stereo outputs, in fact a super stereo field IMHO

  114. Hi Bjorn,

    I tried the BEHRINGER pedal mod. VP1 phase shifter. Good value for money.
    What do you think about it ?

    Bye bye….

      1. Clicked on the link. They’ve been selling that for years. I bought a Hartman Flanger instead at the time. Already had a Boss BF-2 & picked up an MXR Flanger & a Foxrox Paradox TZF & Foxrox Paradox TZF 2 later. Also have the Eventide H9 which has a flanger. The Hartman & the Foxrox pedals are my faves although very different from each other. Both made it to a pedalboard & the MXR is on another.

        I know that it’s the sound that matters most but that BYOC pedal’s crazy skewed knob & switch layout has me wondering why they never sorted that out. Hopefully it sounds amazing as its visual aesthetics are face-palm material! :D

      2. well,
        about the your review on the ELECTRIC MISTRESS :
        I tried The DONNER mod. JET CONVOLUTION pedal ……. is very, very ” Interesting “……..

        1. I have both firstly I A/B’d them and I couldn’t tell the difference, so I took them apart! And sure enough the Donner is definitely an elecLady, the circuit boards are identical ( i can post pictures) so grab the Donner they’re insanely cheap!

    1. Got one years ago. Although it’s got something special about it, it doesn’t cut it as a close sub for the Mistress but it is a very good flanger and more suitable than most. Funny thing is it has two modes and one of them has a noticable volume INCREASE.

  115. Hi Bjorn,

    What’s you’re opinion on the ELECTRO HARMONIX mod. WIGGLER recently manufactured ?


  116. My friend, this site is the best. On your recommendation I found a tc electronic nova delay. Still trying to get the hang of it. As far as modulation pedals I have the phase 90, 2nd pedal I ever bought when I was a kid the first being a boss overdrive. I also have an old boss bf-2 flanger and still trying to figure that sucker out. Besides getting an electric mistress do you have any advice on to adjust the settings on this thing to get a close approximation of mr Gilmour’s sound. I know it will never be exact considering I’m playing through a boss Waza mini in my condo(which by the way is a fantastic sounding amp for fairly low volume say in an apartment). Keep up all the great work pretty much all my pedals and settings are thanks to you. Respectfully Brian Hester Ma.

    1. Hi Brian! Thanks for the kind words! It’s been too long since I owned a BF-2 but although you can get fairly close to the Mistress it’s really a different sounding flanger, closer to the ADA and MXR. I recommend that you check out the excellent Mooer ElecLady. Cheers!

  117. Hey Bjørn! For a rotary sim what do you think about the strymon lex? I’m stuck between that one and the rt20. By the way I received my Laney lt20 the other day and it did not disappoint! Get back as soon as you can thanks!

    1. Do a quick search on the site for some tips. Basically, the Lex is an awesome Leslie sim but not that suitable for David’s blended tones. The RT20 is a shitty Leslie sim but great for David’s subtle rotary/modulation tones. Depends on what you need and how you set them up.

      1. For an (analogue) alternative to the RT-20 that can cover a lot of ground in terms of DG modulation tones it is worth checking out the Diamond Halo Chorus.

        Basically a very high spec, high headroom CE-2-based sinusoidal-wave sweep (also triangle wave switchable) chorus with wet/dry split stereo out (also can be used mono out with the a wet/dry mix & can choose between mono or stereo in) with volume controls for both the vibrato-ed wet signal and a 2-stage phase-shifted signal (note: all three signals are in parallel). Also has depth & rate controls for the LFO, an expression pedal input for speed, a switch for phase inversion of stereo channels & chorus signal delay time is tweak-able via internal trimmer (so can cop many classic chorus tones). Kill-dry switchable for those who use parallel loops.

        True bypass too, which is an improvement to the (reportedly not so good) buffer of the RT-20. Being able to blend lower separate levels of chorused & 2-stage phased with the unscathed dry signal still in the analogue realm (as is the wet signal) allows for an optimal wet/dry balance for some tones that can evoke some lush PULSE-ations. Loves drive/dirt pedals in front too.

        If DG goes for using some CE-2 style chorusing again on his next tour (fingers crossed he does another album in the not-too-distant!) & wants a hint of that doppler vibe lightly blended without having to drag those rotary speakers around the world then I’d recommend the Halo Chorus for the short list.

        It’d be nice to know if other Gilmourish readers & commenters use this pedal. I have that & the now discontinued Memory Lane 2 from the Diamond range. The Halo Chorus is a relatively undiscovered (or at least unsung) gem of a modulation pedal & is well worth tracking down (I got mine shipped from the US) for those looking to add some complex yet subtle whirling wave washes to their tone palette.

          1. All good. If you do get to check one out in person than feel free to post your findings back here. I have tons of modulation pedals (including a first batch silver screw 1979 Boss CE-2 – serial numbers for those is a stamped series of zeroes in the battery compartment – that’s a great pedal albeit limited) but I must say that the Halo Chorus is quite unique & covers a lot of ground. Also: The 2-stage phase shifting part of the circuit is an optical circuit, so not a Phase 45 knock-off but very high-headroom & lush. There’s two stereo audio clips of the pedal at the Diamond site. It’s worthwhile putting these through your headphones.

            First one starts off dry then pedal is switched on:


            This one has an expression pedal changing the sweep rate:


            1. I’m sorry to let you down, but Boss pedals’ serial numbers don’t work like that.

              The first batch of CE-2’s (October 1979) has serial number 8700.

              Serial numbers 9700 (Aug/1980), 9800 (Sep/1980) and 9900 (Oct/1980) are older than 0000. Your pedal was actually made in November 1980, not 1979.

              This has been the subject of countless topics in forums, but you can always use this site:


        1. Not for David’s tones but that’s the nature of the pedal. Keep in mind that David always mixed his rotary cabs lower and in combination with a dry signal from his Hiwatts so if you listened to the rotary cabs alone, you would probably hear something similar to plugging a Muff into a Lex but that’s not what you want. You could though add a signal mixed to the Lex acting as a master volume.

  118. Hey bjorn — no one has asked lately, so have you had the chance to try the Phase 95 yet? Hoping so. Thanks

  119. Hi Bjorn,

    Are you familiar with Baroni Labs based in Italy? The company has a pedal called Miss Flanger and appears to be an EHX Deluxe Mistress clone. If you’re familiar with the pedal I’d love to hear your thoughts with respect to how it compares to a vintage Mistress…

    1. Yes, I tried that one years ago but it didn’t quite sound like a Mistress. Very messy. They might have upgraded it by this point though. They have a compressor and delay that sounds awesome. One of the better compressors I’ve tried.

  120. Hello Bjorn,
    Have ever tried Nux Roctary? Ä°f not I recommend you to try. I got one and it’s really great for rotary sound.

    1. Indeed. I’m using two of them (one for the left amp and one for the right). They’re out of sync and do a wonderful job of the dual RA200 setup used for the Wall tour. It creates a lush but not overpowering stereo effect that is different than a single rotary going back and forth.

  121. Hey bjorn! I recently acquired the new mxr phase 95 mini, which allows you to not only switch between modern and script modes, but also switches the 45 to 90 types, and works great for the wish you were here phase tones, and even for that univibe sound as well. I think you should try it out if you haven’t yet, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
    Thanks- Hershel

  122. Hi Bjorn!

    First, congratulations for this website! Amazing Job!

    I’ve a question. I hesitate between a EH electric mistress deluxe of 1974, a EH deluxe of 1980 and a EH deluxe V3 of 1981.

    What is the best of the three for you?

    thank you very much

    All the best


        1. Well, I haven’t done a proper A/B test between the older Deluxe models. From what I understand they sound more or less identical up to 1999. The current big box Deluxe sound considerably darker, with more low end and mid range compared to these. The new XO Deluxe sound very different from all of them.

  123. Hi Bjørn

    Sorry to bother you again, but do you know if the Mooer micro pedals (eleclady, ninety orange etc) can be daisy chained?
    Thanks for all your help :)


        1. I would have to do an A/B test to give you a good answer. You could go either way. Do check out the 74 Custom Shop reissue as well. Spot on those old tones.

  124. Hello Bjorn! Thank you for the website!! Fantastic stuff!!!

    Is there any possibility to have a review of the new AfterGlow Chorus from TC?

    Thanks again!

  125. Hi Bjorn, congratulations. I´ve just bought an Elec Lady since I saw your review. What´s the best configuration for this pedal in your opinion? You said that it´s a good pedal since you reach the “right spot”. I know that there´s a great number of configurations but can you show us the one that you like the most? Thank you and keep on rocking!

      1. Thanks Bjorn! I liked it because it´s very smooth. I´d like to know what you think about the Xotic SP compressor, since I´ve just bought one. And also if you have any comments about the Fulltone Fat Boost, cause I have one and I want a clean boost. Is it better to get a Xotic EP booster or any other? Where should I place it in the signal chain? Thanks again and congratulations!

  126. Hi Björn,

    Do you think that the Deluxe Electric Mistress V5 (2000) is as good as a v4 (199X) ? Or maybe a V1 /V2 or V3 is a better choice ?

    Thanks !

        1. It’s considerably darker with a lot more low end. You can tweak the tone to some extent with the internal trim pots but I’ve never managed to make it sound like my ’99 Deluxe.

          1. Just a heads up relating to EHX’s well-known variances within “older” models. I recently picked up a V5 Electric Mistress thinking that the ONLY difference was with the power supply (wall wart vs internal PS). The reason I purchased the V5 was that I had heard that the V5 was quieter due to having the external wall wart PS. The EM I received has to be the best-sounding EM (and flanger for that matter) that I’ve ever played through (and I’ve been playing for 35 years)! For an EM, it’s dead quiet and the sound is so lush and creamy you can taste it. So I was surprised at Bjorn’s comment that he wasn’t crazy about the V5’s, when the one I have sounds so great (and I trust Bjorn’s opinions implicitly). Out of curiosity, I took the back cover off of my EM to take a look around. When comparing what I have to the photos on


            it’s clear that I have an identical green V4 circuit board in a V5 housing / setup (with external PS)! Also, ALL of the wiring is attached to the back side (side facing you when you remove the back cover) of the circuit board instead of the front side of the circuit board as shown in the pictures in the link above. It would seem that I have a unicorn hybrid V4/V5 Electric Mistress. Although I don’t know the history of my EM, it appears that everything in it is how it originally came out of EHX’s factory.

            It’s possible / probable that the tonal issues between models comes down to the particular components that were used on certain PCB’s. Certainly not all op amps, transistors and capacitors are created equally. Who knows? The moral of the story is to do your research, but in the end, trust your ears.

  127. Hey Bjorn, could you do a review on the Fulltone Whammy pedal? I want it for the really high notes in Marooned, but I’m not sure where to put it on my board.

  128. Hey Bjorn,
    In a pedalboard, do you think a chorus pedal is needed when you have a Boss RT-20? Seeking that “dreamy” tone from early 90’s and PULSE, both pedals work together or once you have the RT-20, you cover this creamy chorus sound already?

    1. David did use both chorus and rotary on the all of the songs on the tour so the appropriate setup would feature both. However, I’ve never been much of a chorus fan and I think the RT20 alone sound better and cleaner than having both. A matter of taste.

  129. For anyone wanting the ’74 Phase 90 to have modern features (TB, DC power outlet, LED), Analongman in the USA will do the mods. I believe its $80-$90 shipped for all three mods here in the states. Not cheap, but if you love the pedal as much as I, its worth it. Especially if you pick one up on the used market.

    Thanks Bjorn!