Read more: gear run-down
Keep in mind that all effect settings and setups are based on pictures and video from a certain date and/or interviews and 3rd hand transcriptions that are subject to interpretation. David often make adjustments and may not even be consequent in how he’s using the equipment. This feature should therefore only be used as a guideline for your own setup and not as a gospel. It’s also wise to acknowledge that technique, place and time, studio trickery and who knows what plays a role in David’s tones in addition to the equipment.
Demeter Compulator
– compression 1:00, volume 3:00 (o’clock)
Pete Cornish G-2
– sustain 100%, tone 10:30, volume 1:00 (o’clock)
Big Muff ram’s head
– sustain 1:00, tone 10:00, volume 11:00 (o’clock)
Pete Cornish SS-2
– volume 12:00, tone 1:00, sustain 12:30 (o’clock)
Note: These settings are based on a picture of the Division Bell/PULSE rig.
Tube Driver #1 (volume boost)
– level 2:00, hi 2:00, low 2:00, drive 8:00 (o’clock)
Tube Driver #2 (overdrive)
– level 11:30, hi 11:30, low 3:00, drive 4:00 (o’clock)
Note: There’s only one Tube Driver in the studio board but the settings above is based on the two main settings from David’s new stage board.
– volume 2:00, intensity 12:00, slow speed 2:00, fast speed 4:00 (o’clock), mode: chorus
Note: This is an original UniVox Uni-Vibe customized into a rack unit by Phil Taylor. The unit has a toggle switch for fast and slow speed to compensate for the expression pedal. The speed can be adjusted with separate controls.
Fender lap steel
– slides: Compulator, digital delay
– rhythms: Compulator, Tube Driver, UniVibe, digital delay
– rhythms: Compulator, overdrive
– solos: Compulator, G2, Tube Driver, digital delay
Wish You Were Here
Gibson acoustic steel string
Comfortably Numb
– rhythms and solos: Compulator, G2, Tube Driver, digital delay